Browse Subject

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A Systems Approach to Managing Complexity BUSN9900 Module
Accounting and Financial Management BUSN9420 Module
Accounting for Management Control and Decision Making BUSN6770 Module
Actuarial Statistics BUSN9158 Module
Adding Organisational Value 2: Major Workplace Project BUSX7117 Module
Advanced Financial Accounting BUSN9069 Module
Advanced Management Accounting BUSN8018 Module
Advanced Operational Research BUSN9152 Module
Advanced Spreadsheets and Decision Support Systems BUSX9210 Module
Advanced Spreadsheets and Decision Support Systems BUSN9115 Module
Agile Project Management BUSB7080 Module
Alternative Investments BUSN7761 Module
Applications and Future Directions in Healthcare BUSB7046 Module
Applied Business Modelling BUSN9035 Module
Applied Multivariate Analysis BUSC7034 Module
Applied Statistics Using Computing Packages BUSN9064 Module
Applied Time Series BUSC7033 Module
Auditing BUSN8004 Module
Bank Asset - Liability Management BUSN9076 Module
Bank Asset - Liability Risk Management BUSN9073 Module
Behavioural Finance BUSN7681 Module
Behavioural Science in the Workplace BUSB6502 Module
Behavioural Science in the Workplace BUSB6002 Module
Benefits Realisation Management BUSB7083 Module
Big Data Analytics and Visualisation BUSB7009 Module
Big Data Analytics and Visualisation BUSN9165 Module
Big Data Analytics and Visualisation BUSN9166 Module
Big Data Analytics and Visualisation BUSX9165 Module
Big Data Analytics and Visualisation BUSX7009 Module
Brand Managment BUSN9005 Module
Branding BUSN7350 Module
Business Analysis Tools BUSB4514 Module
Business Analysis Tools BUSB4014 Module
Business Analysis Tools BUSX3820 Module
Business Analytics BUSX9088 Module
Business Analytics BUSB7001 Module
Business Analytics Research Project BUSX7032 Module
Business and Employment Law BUSN5016 Module
Business Consultancy in Practice BUSB7078 Module
Business Decision Making BUSB3002 Module
Business Decision Making BUSB3502 Module
Business Economics BUSN9127 Module
Business Ethics and Sustainability BUSB5530 Module
Business Ethics and Sustainability BUSB5030 Module
Business Ethics and Sustainable Management BUSX5035 Module
Business Ethics and Sustainable Management BUSN7330 Module
Business Finance BUSN9480 Module
Business in an International Perspective BUSN9360 Module
Business in Emerging Markets BUSN6730 Module
Business Law BUSN3330 Module
Business Management Project BUSX6013 Module
Business Management Project BUSN5420 Module
Business Organisation Issues and Skills BUSN3910 Module
Business Placement Experience BUSN6990 Module
Business Placement Report BUSN6980 Module
Business Report BUSJ9002 Module
Business Report BUSN9002 Module
Business Report in Accounting BUSN9071 Module
Business Report in Accounting BUSN9080 Module
Business Report in Finance BUSN9079 Module
Business Report MSc Suite BUSN9510 Module
Business Skills BUSN3110 Module
Business Skills and Employability BUSX3790 Module
Business Skills for a Sustainable Tomorrow BUSB4011 Module
Business Skills for a Sustainable Tomorrow BUSB4511 Module
Business Statistics and Database Management BUSN9690 Module
Business Statistics with Python BUSC7032 Module
Business Statistics with Python BUSX9690 Module
Business Strategy BUSB6503 Module
Business strategy BUSP6001 Module
Business Strategy BUSB6003 Module
Business Strategy in the Global Economy BUSX7038 Module
Business Strategy in the Global Economy BUSB7002 Module
Business Taxation BUSN5024 Module
Business/Consultancy Project BUSN7550 Module
Buyer Behaviour BUSN7380 Module
Buyer Behaviour BUSN7090 Module
Buyer Decision Making BUSN9065 Module
Capstone Research Project BUSX7003 Module
CB6007 People Analytics BUSN6007 Module
CB746 Cross-Cultural Management BUSN7460 Module
Commercial and Investment Banking BUSN8012 Module
Computational Finance  BUSC7039 Module
Computer Tools for Simulation BUSN9019 Module
Consultancy Project BUSX5104 Module
Consumer and Organisational Buying Behaviour BUSN9029 Module
Contemporary Fund Management BUSN9119 Module
Contemporary Issues in International Business and Management BUSB7056 Module
Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management BUSN9450 Module
Contemporary Management Challenges BUSN6780 Module
Contemporary Topics in Logistic Research BUSN8023 Module
Contract Law and Consumer Protection BUSN3012 Module
Corporate and Business Strategy BUSN6790 Module
Corporate and Business Strategy BUSX6012 Module
Corporate Finance BUSN8020 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility BUSB6004 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility BUSB6504 Module
Corporate social responsibility (Spring) BUSP6002 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management BUSN6890 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Management BUSX9085 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Management BUSN9085 Module
Corporate Strategy and Change Management BUSB7079 Module
Corporate Strategy and Leadership BUSN7260 Module
Creativity and Innovation in Organisations BUSX5020 Module
Creativity, Innovation and Organisation BUSN7440 Module
Credit Risk BUSN9074 Module
Critical Thinking for Contemporary Business Issues BUSN7240 Module
Cross cultural management (Spring) BUSP6003 Module
Cross-cultural Management BUSB6533 Module
Cross-cultural Management BUSB6033 Module
Cultural Intelligence BUSX7004 Module
Current Issues in HRM BUSB7072 Module
Customer Insights BUSN9066 Module
Data Analysis and Forecasting BUSN9040 Module
Data Analytics with Programming BUSN9199 Module
Data Intelligence and Predictive Analytics BUSB5527 Module
Data Intelligence and Predictive Analytics BUSB5027 Module
Data Intelligence in Practice BUSN7980 Module
Decision Analysis BUSN6880 Module
Decision Analysis BUSB5028 Module
Decision Analysis BUSB5528 Module
Decision Modelling and Simulation BUSN9660 Module
Delivering Innovation BUSX9099 Module
Delivering Innovation BUSN9099 Module
Derivatives BUSN9153 Module
Derivatives BUSN5031 Module
Derivatives and Risk Management BUSN8016 Module
Derivatives II  BUSC7038 Module
Developing Business Skills for HRM BUSN9044 Module
Developing Skills for HRM BUSB7048 Module
Developing Skills for HRM BUSJ7048 Module
Digital and social media analytics (Spring) BUSP6004 Module
Digital Information Systems: A Management Perspective BUSX5031 Module
Digital information systems: a management perspective BUSN7561 Module
Digital Marketing BUSN9067 Module
Digital Transformation & Operations Management BUSB7064 Module
Dissertation and Industry-based Project BUSN9175 Module
Dissertation for Masters of Finance BUSN9034 Module
Dissertation for MSc in VCM BUSN9055 Module
Dissertation for the Masters of Finance Suite BUSN9052 Module
Dissertation I BUSC7035 Module
Dissertation II BUSC7036 Module
Dissertation in International Business BUSN9083 Module
Dissertation in Logistics and Supply Chain Management BUSN9057 Module
Diversity in Organisations BUSN6580 Module
Doing Business in Emerging Markets BUSB5004 Module
Dynamics and challenges of international business BUSN3016 Module
E-Commerce and Business BUSN5870 Module
E-Marketing BUSN6020 Module
Economics for Business BUSB4513 Module
Economics for Business BUSB4013 Module
Emerging IT Trends for Digital Marketing BUSN9139 Module
Emerging Topics and Skills for Project Professionals BUSB7084 Module
Employability for Stage 3 Business Programmes BUSN7920 Module
Employability Skills Stage 2 BUSN7900 Module
Employee Performance Management BUSN6004 Module
Employee Resourcing BUSN8000 Module
Employment Relations BUSB7049 Module
Employment Relations BUSN8001 Module
Enterprise BUSN6130 Module
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BUSB5533 Module
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship BUSB5033 Module
Entrepreneurship BUSN8870 Module
Entrepreneurship BUSX6010 Module
Entrepreneurship BUSX8870 Module
Entrepreneurship and Innovation BUSX7035 Module
Entrepreneurship and Innovation BUSB7003 Module
Essentials of Financial Risk Management BUSN8011 Module
Ethics of International Business BUSN9059 Module
European Business BUSN9540 Module
European Business BUSN6050 Module
Final Project BUSX6105 Module
Finance with Excel BUSN9060 Module
Finance with Excel BUSN6002 Module
Financial Accounting for Decision Makers BUSB4015 Module
Financial Accounting for Decision Makers BUSB4515 Module
Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis BUSN6750 Module
Financial Accounting, Reporting and Analysis (2016/2017) BUSN3690 Module
Financial Analysis for Decision Making BUSN9143 Module
Financial and Management Accounting BUSN9370 Module
Financial and Management Accounting for Global Leaders BUSB7057 Module
Financial Decision-Making for Healthcare Professionals BUSB7041 Module
Financial Econometrics BUSN8014 Module
Financial Econometrics BUSN5032 Module
Financial Engineering BUSN8026 Module
Financial Markets and Institutions BUSN3014 Module
Financial Regulation BUSN8015 Module
Financial Statement Analysis BUSN8006 Module
Financial Statement Analysis and Evaluation BUSN6170 Module
Financial Systems and Institutions BUSN8013 Module
Financial Technology BUSN9195 Module
Fixed Income Markets BUSN8025 Module
Fixed Income Markets and Instruments BUSN6001 Module
Fixed income securities BUSN7771 Module
Foundations of Finance BUSN8021 Module
Fundamentals of Accounting and Decision making BUSN5027 Module
Fundamentals of Business and Management BUSN5026 Module
Fundamentals of Business Management BUSB5007 Module
Fundamentals of Finance and Investments BUSN3870 Module
Fundamentals of Marketing BUSN5028 Module
Futures and Options Markets BUSN6014 Module
Futures and Options Markets BUSN6110 Module
Games and Networks BUSN6000 Module
Generating Theory and Presenting Research BUSN9031 Module
Global Business Dynamics BUSB3501 Module
Global Business Dynamics BUSB3001 Module
Global Business Environment BUSB4001 Module
Global Business Environment BUSN3430 Module
Global Business Innovation and Digital Technology BUSB6009 Module
Global Opportunities for Future Leaders BUSB7023 Module
Global Strategic Management BUSB6010 Module
Global Strategy and Economics BUSX9144 Module
Global Strategy and Economics BUSN9144 Module
Global Supply Chain Management & Sustainability BUSB7065 Module
Global Sustainable Healthcare: Critical Perspectives BUSX7001 Module
Global Trading Blocs BUSB5008 Module
Global Value Chain Management BUSB7059 Module
Global Value Chains, Strategy and Development BUSN9146 Module
Heuristic Methods BUSN9240 Module
Heuristics & Optimisation BUSN9270 Module
HKBU Conversion Mark BUSN9082 Module
HR Analytics BUSB7073 Module
HRM Business Report BUSN9049 Module
Human Resource Development BUSB7074 Module
Human Resource Management BUSB5529 Module
Human Resource Management BUSB5029 Module
Human Resource Management BUSN5013 Module
Human Resource management and Development in Practice BUSN9046 Module
Human Resource Management Business Report BUSN9072 Module
Human Resource Management in Context BUSN9045 Module
Human Resource Management Project BUSJ7075 Module
Human Resource Management Project BUSB7075 Module
Human Resource Strategy BUSN9051 Module
Industry Studies 3 BUSX6106 Module
Innovation and Entrepreneurialism BUSX7005 Module
Innovation Management and New Product Development BUSN9063 Module
Innovation Management and New Product Development BUSN9027 Module
Integrated Healthcare Systems and Collaborative Practices in Healthcare Management BUSX7002 Module
Integrated Marketing Communications BUSN9520 Module
Interactive Decision Modelling BUSN7120 Module
International and Comparative Human Resource Management BUSN7530 Module
International Banking BUSN5033 Module
International Business BUSN5230 Module
International Business BUSN9460 Module
International Business 1 BUSN7390 Module
International Business 2 BUSN7490 Module
International Business in the Digital Economy BUSN6015 Module
International Business Management Project BUSN7480 Module
International Business Theories and Perspectives BUSB5009 Module
International Business: A Strategic Perspective BUSN6740 Module
International Business: Theoretical Insights BUSN6005 Module
International Economics and Business BUSB7060 Module
International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management BUSN5010 Module
International Entrepreneurship BUSB6513 Module
International Entrepreneurship BUSN7470 Module
International Entrepreneurship BUSB6013 Module
International Financial Markets and Instruments BUSN9075 Module
International Financial Reporting BUSN8017 Module
International Marketing BUSN5440 Module
International Marketing BUSN9490 Module
International Marketing Strategy BUSN9530 Module
International Money and Finance BUSN8019 Module
International Trade and Finance BUSN5720 Module
Introduction to Business Analysis Tools BUSX4113 Module
Introduction to Business Modelling BUSN3640 Module
Introduction to Contract Law BUSX5117 Module
Introduction to Digital Marketing BUSN4020 Module
Introduction to Management BUSB4012 Module
Introduction to Management BUSB4512 Module
Introduction to Management BUSN3120 Module
Introduction to Marketing BUSN3700 Module
Introduction to Marketing BUSN6800 Module
Introduction to Social Marketing BUSN7340 Module
Introduction to Statistics for Business BUSN3130 Module
Introduction to Statistics for Business BUSX3780 Module
Introduction to Statistics for Business BUSX4112 Module
Introduction to Strategy BUSN9400 Module
Investment Management BUSN9117 Module
Investments and Portfolio Management BUSN8030 Module
KBS Challenge BUSB6014 Module
KBS Challenge BUSB6514 Module
Knowledge Discovery and Business Intelligence BUSN9151 Module
Leadership and Change BUSN9062 Module
Leadership and Change Management for Healthcare Professionals BUSB7040 Module
Leadership and Management BUSN9047 Module
Leadership and Management Development BUSX6008 Module
Leadership and Management Development BUSN6003 Module
Leading People in Organizations BUSB6532 Module
Leading people in organizations BUSP6005 Module
Leading People in Organizations BUSB6032 Module
Learning and Development BUSN8010 Module
Linear Programming and its Application BUSN6680 Module
Logistic and Supply Chain Management BUSN9960 Module
Logistics, Modelling and Applications BUSN8034 Module
Machine Learning and Forecasting BUSX7028 Module
Machine Learning and Forecasting BUSX9040 Module
Machine Learning and Forecasting BUSN9108 Module
Machine Learning and Forecasting BUSC7028 Module
Machine Learning and Forecasting BUSB7028 Module
Management Accounting for Decision Makers BUSB5512 Module
Management Accounting for Decision Makers BUSB5012 Module
Management Consultancy Report / Dissertation BUSJ9112 Module
Management Consultancy Report / Dissertation BUSN9112 Module
Management of Operations BUSN9320 Module
Management Science Modelling BUSN9970 Module
Management Science: Dissertation BUSN9860 Module
Managers and Organisations BUSN3020 Module
Managing and Leading People Globally BUSB7061 Module
Managing Complexity : The Systems Approach BUSN9390 Module
Managing Diversity and Equal Opportunities BUSN8007 Module
Managing Human Resources in Contemporary Organisations BUSN6810 Module
Managing Island and Coastal Tourism BUSN9940 Module
Managing Operations Globally BUSB5013 Module
Managing People BUSN6820 Module
Managing Processes (Athens, week 1-13) BUSN9430 Module
Managing the Multinational Enterprise BUSN8590 Module
Marketing BUSN9330 Module
Marketing Across Cultures BUSN9090 Module
Marketing and Society BUSN7820 Module
Marketing and the Value Chain BUSN7270 Module
Marketing Communications BUSN5460 Module
Marketing Management Project BUSN7370 Module
Marketing Report BUSN9068 Module
Marketing Research BUSN5450 Module
Marketing Strategy BUSN7580 Module
Marketing Strategy BUSN6830 Module
Mathematical Finance  BUSC7041 Module
Mathematics and Statistics for Accounting and Finance BUSN3720 Module
Mathematics of Finance BUSN9121 Module
MBA Business Report BUSN9039 Module
MBA Challenge BUSN9193 Module
MBA Challenge BUSB7008 Module
MBA Management Skills and Career Development Report BUSN9038 Module
Models for Decision Making BUSN9087 Module
Models for Decision Making BUSN9088 Module
Multinationals and the Global Economy BUSN8033 Module
Network and Project Management BUSN9159 Module
New Enterprise Development BUSX5019 Module
New Enterprise Development and the Digital Consumer BUSX4114 Module
New Enterprise Startup BUSN6120 Module
New Product Marketing BUSN6930 Module
New Venture Creation BUSB6016 Module
New Venture Creation BUSB6516 Module
Operations and Project Management BUSB7086 Module
Operations and Project Management BUSX7034 Module
Operations and Project Management BUSX5119 Module
Operations Management BUSX5022 Module
Operations Management BUSN7860 Module
Operations Management BUSB5032 Module
Operations Management BUSB5532 Module
Operations Management BUSX9430 Module
Operations management BUSP6006 Module
Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management BUSN9350 Module
People Operations: An Analytic Approach BUSB6017 Module
People Operations: An Analytic Approach BUSB6517 Module
Performance Management BUSN9680 Module
Personal Skills Development MSc Suite BUSN9500 Module
Personal Taxation BUSN5023 Module
Philosophical Issues and Paradigms in Management Research BUSN9032 Module
Placement Assessment BUSB7026 Module
Placement Experience BUSB7025 Module
Portfolio Management BUSN7721 Module
Predictive and prescriptive analytics BUSN7940 Module
Prescriptive Analytics BUSB6029 Module
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision Optimisation BUSB7030 Module
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision Optimisation BUSX7030 Module
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision Optimisation BUSC7030 Module
Prescriptive Analytics for Decision Making BUSX9970 Module
Prescriptive Analytics for Decision Making BUSX7031 Module
Prescriptive Analytics for Decision Making BUSN9126 Module
Principles of Business BUSX4118 Module
Problem Structuring Approaches for Operational Research BUSX9004 Module
Problem Structuring Approaches for Operational Research BUSX9005 Module
Problem Structuring Approaches for Operational Research BUSN9004 Module
Problem Structuring Approaches for Operational Research BUSX7029 Module
Production and Operations Management BUSN8027 Module
Professional Placement/Internship BUSB7024 Module
Project Management BUSX5032 Module
Project Management BUSN7500 Module
Project Management BUSX9173 Module
Project Management BUSB5031 Module
Project Management BUSB5531 Module
Project Management and Control BUSB7081 Module
Psychology of the Contemporary Workplace BUSN7510 Module
Python for Business Analytics BUSB5026 Module
Qualitative Research Methods BUSN9033 Module
Quantitative Methods BUSN8022 Module
Quantitative Methods for Business Analytics BUSB4010 Module
Quantitative Models and Methods for Accounting and Finance BUSN3140 Module
Quantitative Research Methods BUSN9129 Module
Regression Analysis BUSC7031 Module
Research and Consultancy Methods BUSN7570 Module
Research and Consultancy Methods BUSX5021 Module
Research and Consulting Methods BUSX7507 Module
Research Frontiers In Management Science BUSN6700 Module
Research Methods BUSN8005 Module
Research Methods (HRM) BUSN9048 Module
Research Methods and Consulting Skills BUSN9200 Module
Research Methods and Skills BUSN9197 Module
Research Methods and Skills (Accounting) BUSN9077 Module
Research Methods and Skills (Finance) BUSN9078 Module
Research Methods and Skills (MBA) BUSN9198 Module
Research Project BUSN9188 Module
Research Project BUSJ9188 Module
Research Project in Business BUSB6018 Module
Research Project in Business BUSB6518 Module
Responsible Leadership and Ethics BUSX7033 Module
Responsible Leadership and Ethics BUSB7005 Module
Responsible Project Leadership BUSB7082 Module
Retail Management BUSN9028 Module
Reward & Performance Management BUSN9050 Module
Risk and Portfolio Management BUSN9155 Module
Risk Management BUSN5015 Module
Self-Managed Learning BUSX5123 Module
Self-Managed Learning 1 BUSX4111 Module
Self-Managed Learning 3 BUSX6111 Module
Service Management BUSN5200 Module
Services, Technology and Marketing BUSN7830 Module
Simulation Modelling BUSN6670 Module
Simulation Modelling BUSB6030 Module
Simulation Modelling BUSX9660 Module
Simulation Modelling BUSN9101 Module
Simulation Modelling BUSC7029 Module
Simulation Modelling BUSB7029 Module
Skills for Healthcare Leaders BUSB7047 Module
Skills for the Future Supply Chain Expert BUSB7066 Module
Skills of Tomorrow for Business Analysts BUSB7031 Module
Social Entrepreneurs and Social Enterprises BUSN8024 Module
Spreadsheet Modelling and Decision Automation BUSC7027 Module
Spreadsheet Modelling and Decision Automation BUSX7027 Module
Spreadsheet Modelling and Decision Automation BUSB7027 Module
Spreadsheets and Decision Support Systems BUSN9210 Module
Strategic and Digital Marketing BUSX7037 Module
Strategic and Digital Marketing BUSB7007 Module
Strategic and Sustainable Procurement BUSN9107 Module
Strategic and Sustainable Procurement BUSB7067 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management BUSN6840 Module
Strategic Information Systems BUSN8032 Module
Strategic Innovation Management BUSX6114 Module
Strategic Leadership in a Global World BUSX7503 Module
Strategic Management BUSX6115 Module
Strategic Management BUSN5470 Module
Strategic management BUSN7590 Module
Strategic Marketing BUSX5124 Module
Strategic Marketing and Communication BUSX9440 Module
Strategic Marketing and Communication BUSN9440 Module
Strategic People Management BUSN9410 Module
Strategic Project Management Challenge BUSB7085 Module
Strategic Sourcing BUSN9056 Module
Strategy BUSN9340 Module
Strategy Analysis and Tools BUSX5034 Module
Strategy Analysis and Tools BUSN6760 Module
Strategy for Leaders in Healthcare BUSB7045 Module
Strategy of the Multinational Enterprise BUSB7063 Module
Structure and Organisation of the E-Commerce Enterprise BUSN9140 Module
Study Skills (Top-Up Degree) BUSN3570 Module
Supply Chain Analytics BUSB7068 Module
Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility BUSN9000 Module
Sustainability and Purposeful Business BUSX6116 Module
Sustainable and Ethical Leadership BUSX7501 Module
Sustainable Financial Management BUSX7036 Module
Sustainable Financial Management BUSB7004 Module
Sustainable HRM BUSB7076 Module
Talent Management BUSB7077 Module
Taxation BUSN5130 Module
Techniques of Production and Operations Management BUSN9114 Module
Technology-Driven Business Innovation BUSN7880 Module
The Business Analytics Challenge BUSB7032 Module
The Fundamentals of Corporate Finance & Investment BUSN9640 Module
The Global Business Environment BUSX3770 Module
The Grand Challenges of Contemporary Management BUSN4030 Module
The International Business and Management Challenge BUSB7062 Module
The Logistics and Supply Chain Challenge BUSB7069 Module
The OR Specialist in a Modern Organisational Context BUSN9003 Module
The OR Specialist in a Modern Organisational Context BUSX9030 Module
The OR Specialist in a Modern Organisational Context BUSX9003 Module
The Psychology of Selection and Assessment BUSN8029 Module
The Psychology of the Work Place BUSN6100 Module
Thriving and Leading in Today's Dynamic Workplace BUSB5017 Module
Thriving and Leading in Today's Dynamic Workplace BUSB5517 Module
Time Series Analysis  BUSC7040 Module
Topics in Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes  BUSC7037 Module
Tourism Development in Asia Pacific BUSN9950 Module
Value Chain Analysis BUSN9026 Module
Value Chain Management BUSN9025 Module
Warehousing & Global Transportation Management BUSB7070 Module
Warehousing and Transport Management BUSN9058 Module
Work-Based Learning BUSN9154 Module
Year Abroad Mark One BUSN6150 Module
Year Abroad Mark Two BUSN6160 Module
Year in Industry Experience BUSB6034 Module
Year in Industry Experience BUSB6534 Module
Year in Industry Report BUSB6035 Module
Year in Industry Report BUSB6535 Module

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