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'Playfulness, games, and literature' CPLT6630 Module
'Ye Without Sin' - How Organised Crime Arose in Southern Italy ITAL5550 Module
(1 unit) Spanish (Post 'A' Level) HISP3060 Module
(De)Constructing Gender ELLS5002 Module
Ab initio Catalan - Learning Catalan 1A HISP3100 Module
Ab initio Catalan - Learning Catalan 1B HISP3110 Module
Advanced German Translation GRMN5620 Module
Advanced German Translation GRMN5000 Module
Advanced Spanish II for ERASMUS students HISP5470 Module
African and Caribbean Francophone Writing FREN6160 Module
After Dictatorship: Spain and Latin America HISP5710 Module
An Introduction to English Language Teaching LING5270 Module
An Introduction to English Language Teaching 1 LING5390 Module
An Introduction to English Language Teaching 2 LING5400 Module
Applied Language Skills-Writing in German in the Public & Professional contexts GRMN5940 Module
Arabic Immersion 1 WOLA5004 Module
Arabic Immersion 2 WOLA5005 Module
Arabic Immersion 3 WOLA6004 Module
Atypical Language LING5310 Module
Barcelona and Havana: Icon, Myth and History HISP5800 Module
Barcelona and Havana: icon, myth and history HISP5790 Module
Beginners' Danish: Language & Culture GRMN3300 Module
Beginners' Italian ITAL3090 Module
Catalan Culture HISP5150 Module
Catching the Tide: Cultural Renewal in 20th Century Italy ITAL5560 Module
Childhood & Adolesence in Modern Fiction CPLT3170 Module
Cinema, Politics and Society HISP3003 Module
Classical Literature CPLT3240 Module
Clinical and Behavioural Linguistics ELLS6000 Module
CLS Thesis CPLT9990 Module
Comparative and World Literature ELLS5001 Module
Comparative Literature and English & Linguistics in the Classroom CPLT6530 Module
Comparative Literature and English & Linguistics in the Classroom CPLT6590 Module
Comparative Literature Dissertation CPLT9980 Module
Comparative Literature Dissertation CPLT5130 Module
Comparative Literature in Theory and Practice CPLT8100 Module
Comparative Literature Year Abroad Module CPLT6570 Module
Contemporary French Cinema FREN5610 Module
Contemporary Spanish Cinema HISP5480 Module
Course and Syllabus Design for TESOL LING8400 Module
Creative Writing and Stylistics ELLS6001 Module
Creative Writing: A Stylistics Approach LING5100 Module
Creatures of the Night: Vampires in Literature and Film CPLT6440 Module
Crossing Borders: Travel in Modern French writing FREN6460 Module
Culture & Heritage: Foundations LANG4003 Module
Culture & Heritage: Movements LANG5006 Module
Culture and Heritage LANG5011 Module
Cultures of Contention LANG6006 Module
Cultures of Sustainability LANG5001 Module
Cultures, Media and Technology LANG5008 Module
Danish Through the Medium of Crime Fiction GRMN5930 Module
Decadence in Fin-de-Siècle Europe CPLT6500 Module
Description of Modern French FREN5990 Module
Desire and Gender Identity in Modern Germany GRMN5520 Module
Desire and Gender Identity in Modern Germany GRMN5470 Module
Desire in the Text: Romanticism to Decadence FREN6450 Module
Diaspora and Exile CPLT8070 Module
Dictatorship and Cultural Production in 20th Century Brazil & Portugal HISP5780 Module
Discourse Analysis LING3080 Module
Dissertation LING8990 Module
Dissertation (MA in Modern French Studies) FREN8990 Module
Don Juan and Casanova: the art of seduction in Literature - Music and F CPLT6550 Module
Encore: Music and Society in Modern French Culture FREN5002 Module
English Language Dissertation LING5990 Module
English Language in the Media LING5360 Module
English Language in the Media LING5290 Module
English Language in the Media 2 LING5370 Module
English Phonetics LING8280 Module
English Phonetics LING8360 Module
European Modernism: Sexual and Textual Deviance CPLT8050 Module
European Political Cinema SECL5040 Module
European Political Cinema LANG6003 Module
European Realism CPLT6360 Module
Femmes Fatales in Literature and Film CPLT3290 Module
Fiction and Power CPLT5020 Module
Fiction and Power CPLT5240 Module
Final Year Dissertation HISP5670 Module
Final Year Project ELLS6006 Module
First Language Acquisition LING5440 Module
First Language Acquisition LING5380 Module
First Language Acquisition LING5110 Module
Foundations of English 1: Sounds and Words LING3100 Module
Foundations of Language II: Structure and Meaning LING3110 Module
Foundations of Linguistics - LL313 LING3130 Module
Freedom and Oppression in Modern Literature CPLT3050 Module
French Beginners FREN6540 Module
French Beginners A2 - FR339 FREN3390 Module
French Detective Fiction FREN6380 Module
French Dissertation FREN9980 Module
French Drama: Love, Marriage and Politics ( in translation) FREN3310 Module
French for Beginners FREN3260 Module
French for Beginners FREN3360 Module
French Immersion 1 FREN5003 Module
French Immersion 2 FREN5004 Module
French Immersion 3 FREN6001 Module
French Intermediate FREN6550 Module
French Intermediate B1-B2 (Intensive) - FR652 FREN6520 Module
French Language and Culture 1 FREN3340 Module
French Language and Culture II FREN3350 Module
French Language Level B2 FREN6480 Module
French Language Level C1 FREN6470 Module
French Language Level C1 FREN6490 Module
French Language: Argumentation FREN6430 Module
French Language: Descriptive and Narrative Skills FREN6410 Module
French Language: Descriptive Skills FREN6390 Module
French Lower Intermediate B1.1 FREN3400 Module
French Lower Intermediate B1.2 - FR650 FREN6500 Module
French Narratives: Love, Marriage and Politics (in translation) FREN3320 Module
French Part-time Language Q5 FREN6030 Module
French Post 'A' level - 1 unit FREN3110 Module
French: Final Year Dissertation FREN5670 Module
French: Second Year Extended Essay FREN5660 Module
French: Socio-Linguistics FREN6150 Module
From Dada to Kafka: The European Avant-Garde and Modernism CPLT6090 Module
From Gutenberg to Facebook GRMN5530 Module
From Gutenberg to Zuckerberg: Technology, Media, Modernity LANG5004 Module
Gender and Identity in the Age of Goethe GRMN5090 Module
Gender and Sexuality in Afro-Luso-Brazilian Cinema HISP5002 Module
German Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition GRMN3320 Module
German Beginners GRMN6030 Module
German Dissertation GRMN9980 Module
German Dissertation GRMN5060 Module
German Expression 1920-1925 GRMN5920 Module
German Expression 1920-1925 GRMN5910 Module
German Extended Essay GRMN5800 Module
German Immersion 1 GRMN5001 Module
German Immersion 2 GRMN5002 Module
German Immersion 3 GRMN6001 Module
German Intermediate GRMN6020 Module
German Literature in Film GRMN5760 Module
German Literature in Film GRMN5770 Module
German Modernism GRMN8040 Module
German Modernism GRMN5670 Module
German Modernism GRMN5660 Module
German past, present and future GRMN5650 Module
German Post 'A' Level GRMN5160 Module
German Pronunciation and Phonetics GRMN3270 Module
Ghosts in Literature and Film CPLT5000 Module
Global Commodities LANG5007 Module
Global Cultures of Business LANG4009 Module
Global Cultures of Business LANG4002 Module
Grammar for Everyone LING3120 Module
Guilt and Redemption in Modern Literature CPLT3060 Module
History and Memory: Exploring the Independence Period HISP8100 Module
History of British English LING5240 Module
History of Italian Cinema:The Legacy of Neo-Realism ITAL3120 Module
History of the French Language FREN5390 Module
Identity, Trauma and Sexuality in Modern French Literature FREN8090 Module
Images of Germany, 1945-1990 GRMN3120 Module
Images of Monarchy in French Classical Tragedy FREN5500 Module
In Search of Shelter: Refugee Narratives and the Politics of Displacement CPLT6660 Module
Independent Project ELLS5005 Module
Intensive Beginners German GRMN3290 Module
Intensive French for Beginners FREN3300 Module
Intensive French for beginners (one-unit) FREN3330 Module
Intensive German for Beginners 1 GRMN3230 Module
Intensive German for Beginners 2 GRMN3240 Module
Intensive Learning Spanish 1 (Beginners) Beginners' Spanish HISP3020 Module
Intercultural Communication LING5480 Module
Intercultural Communication ELLS6003 Module
Intercultural Communication 1 LANG6008 Module
Intercultural Communication 2 LANG6009 Module
Intermediate German GRMN5050 Module
Introduction to Autobiography in 20th Century France FREN5510 Module
Introduction to Contemporary European and Hispanic Cinemas CPLT3180 Module
Introduction to Cultural Analysis LANG4005 Module
Introduction to Francophone Literature and Culture FREN3001 Module
Introduction to German Lingustics GRMN3250 Module
Introduction to Hispanic Culture HISP3120 Module
Introduction to Hispanic Culture HISP3130 Module
Introduction to Interpreting FREN6440 Module
Introduction to Modern German Literature GRMN3260 Module
Introduction to Publishing ELLS5003 Module
Introduction to Scandinavia: Danish Language & Culture 1A GRMN3301 Module
Istantanea: Photography and Visual Culture in Modern and Contemporary I ITAL5640 Module
IT578 - Musica, Maestro! ITAL5780 Module
Italian Beginners ITAL5820 Module
Italian Cinema and Literature ITAL5480 Module
Italian Dissertation ITAL5030 Module
Italian Extended Essay ITAL5420 Module
Italian Gangsters: Literary and Cinematic Representations of Crime ITAL5730 Module
Italian Immersion 1 ITAL5000 Module
Italian Immersion 2 ITAL5001 Module
Italian Immersion 3 ITAL6000 Module
Italian Intermediate ITAL5830 Module
Italian Landscapes of Poetry: Nature, Eroticism and Poetics ITAL5720 Module
Italian Regional Cinema ITAL5770 Module
Italian Short Story ITAL5520 Module
Italian: Intermediate ITAL5080 Module
Japan in 19th and 20th century French Writing FREN6370 Module
Japanese Immersion 1 WOLA5006 Module
Japanese Immersion 2 WOLA5007 Module
Japanese Immersion 3 WOLA6005 Module
Jewish Writing from the Diaspora and Israel CPLT6340 Module
Jewish Writing from the Diaspora and Israel CPLT6230 Module
Jewish Writing from the Diaspora and Israel CPLT6220 Module
Jorge Luis Borges: life in the literary labyrinth HISP5640 Module
Key Texts in Spain and Latin America - 15th C to 18th C HISP5730 Module
Key Texts in Spain and Latin America - 20th Century HISP5740 Module
Language Acquisition ELLS5000 Module
Language and Gender LING5410 Module
Language and Meaning LING3050 Module
Language and Structure LING3020 Module
Language and the Law LING5001 Module
Language Awareness and Analysis for TESOL LING8410 Module
Language Data Toolkit ELLS5004 Module
Language in Society ELLS4004 Module
Language of Gaming LING5002 Module
Language Processing LING5550 Module
Language Processing LING5120 Module
Language Processing LING8350 Module
Language Teachers at Work! LANG6001 Module
Language Teaching ELLS5006 Module
Language Variation and Change LING5140 Module
Language Variation and Change LING5520 Module
Language, Culture, and Environment LANG5009 Module
Language, Self and Society LING3040 Module
Languages in the Classroom SECL5020 Module
Languages in the Classroom SECL5010 Module
Languages in the Classroom LANG6007 Module
Languages in the Classroom LANG5005 Module
Languages Lab Project 1 LANG4008 Module
Languages Lab Project 2 LANG4010 Module
Latin American Fiction CPLT5320 Module
Learning and Teaching Languages LING5430 Module
Learning and Teaching Languages LING5320 Module
Learning Catalan 2A (Intermediate) HISP5520 Module
Learning Catalan 2B (Intermediate) HISP5530 Module
Learning Danish 1A GRMN3330 Module
Learning Danish 1B GRMN3340 Module
Learning French 2A (Post GCSE) FREN3270 Module
Learning French 2B (Post GCSE) FREN3280 Module
Learning French 3 (Post A Level) FREN3000 Module
Learning French 4 FREN5890 Module
Learning French 5 FREN5910 Module
Learning French: Business French I FREN5900 Module
Learning French: Business French II FREN5920 Module
Learning German 1 (Beginners) GRMN5750 Module
Learning German 1 (Beginners) GRMN3040 Module
Learning German 2 (Intermediate) GRMN3070 Module
Learning German 2 (Post-GCSE German) GRMN3310 Module
Learning German 3 (Post A Level) German Post 'A' Level GRMN3010 Module
Learning German 4 GRMN5070 Module
Learning German 5 GRMN5030 Module
Learning Italian - Beginners ITAL3010 Module
Learning Italian 3 (Post A Level) ITAL3080 Module
Learning Italian 4 ITAL5630 Module
Learning Italian 5 ITAL5060 Module
Learning Italian Through Literature ITAL5710 Module
Learning Portuguese (Advanced A) HISP5004 Module
Learning Portuguese (Advanced B) HISP5005 Module
Learning Portuguese 1A (Beginners) HISP3001 Module
Learning Portuguese 1B (Beginners) HISP3002 Module
Learning Portuguese 2A - Intermediate Portuguese HISP5000 Module
Learning Portuguese 2B - Intermediate Portuguese HISP5001 Module
Learning Spanish 1A (Beginners) HISP3140 Module
Learning Spanish 1B (Beginners) HISP3150 Module
Learning Spanish 2A (Intermediate) HISP3160 Module
Learning Spanish 2A (Intermediate) HISP5650 Module
Learning Spanish 2B (Intermediate) Learning Spanish 2B Intermediate HISP3170 Module
Learning Spanish 2B Intermediate HISP5660 Module
Learning Spanish 3 (Post A Level) HISP3000 Module
Learning Spanish 3B(Intensive Post A-Level) HISP5040 Module
Learning Spanish 4 Learning Spanish Level 4 for PPEE for Anglophones HISP5050 Module
Learning Spanish 5 Advanced Spanish II for ERASMUS students Learning Spanish level 5 for PPEE for Anglophones HISP5060 Module
Learning Spanish 5 (Advanced 2) HISP5770 Module
Learning Spanish Level 4 for PPEE for Anglophones HISP5690 Module
Libertine Literature in Eighteenth-Century France FREN6420 Module
Life After Modernism? An Introduction to Postmodernist Literature in Germany GRMN5870 Module
Life After Modernism? An Introduction to Postmodernist Literature in Germany GRMN5880 Module
Literary Stylistics: New Directions LING8500 Module
Literary Stylistics: New Directions LING8200 Module
Literary Trailblazers: Four Women Writers of the 20th Century FREN6000 Module
Literature and Affect CPLT8170 Module
Literature and Capitalism CPLT8160 Module
Literature and Medicine CPLT8130 Module
Literature and Medicine CPLT6490 Module
Literature and Medicine CPLT6480 Module
Literature and Nationhood CPLT3210 Module
Literature and Theory FREN8660 Module
LL549 - Speech Perception LING5490 Module
LL551 History of British English LING5510 Module
LL844 Language Development in Atypical Circumstances LING8440 Module
Looking into German 1 GRMN5630 Module
Looking into German 2 GRMN5640 Module
LS582 Branding Latin America HISP5820 Module
Magical Realism CPLT6060 Module
Mandarin Chinese Immersion 1 WOLA5008 Module
Mandarin Chinese Immersion 2 WOLA5009 Module
Mandarin Chinese Immersion 3 WOLA6006 Module
Marriage, Adultery and Divorce in 19th Century Fiction CPLT5300 Module
Materials Evaluation and Development for TESOL LING8420 Module
Meaning LING8320 Module
Medien und Oeffentlichkeit GRMN5860 Module
Medieval Literature and Culture CPLT3280 Module
Medieval Literature and Culture CPLT5270 Module
Memory and Childhood in 20th Century French Fiction FREN6200 Module
Modern Arabic Literature and the Middle East CPLT5340 Module
Modern French Theatre (1) FREN6320 Module
Modern French Theatre (2) FREN6330 Module
Modern Languages Big Project LANG6010 Module
Modern Languages Cultural Project LANG5010 Module
Modern Spanish Art, Music and Popular Culture HISP8050 Module
Modern Spanish Theatre (in Translation) HISP3040 Module
Modern Tragedy: From Strindberg to Mamet CPLT6540 Module
Morphology LING5220 Module
Morphology and Syntax ELLS5007 Module
Mothers and Daughters in Women's Writing FREN6010 Module
Multilingualism ELLS6007 Module
Musical Cultures LANG5003 Module
Myth, Image, Fashion and Propaganda in the Cuban Revolutionary Era HISP8090 Module
National and Regional Consciousness in Modern Spanish Literature HISP8040 Module
Neurodiversity and Mental Health in Literature ELLS6004 Module
Nordic Literature CPLT6580 Module
Occupation and Resistance in the French Novel FREN5980 Module
Order and Madness: Classical german Literature GRMN5840 Module
Order and Madness: Classical German Literature GRMN5850 Module
Paris and Modernism FREN8210 Module
Paris and the European Enlightenment FREN8030 Module
Paris: Myth and Reality in the 19th century FREN5930 Module
Paris: Myth and Reality in the 20th century FREN5940 Module
Paris: Reality and Representation FREN8200 Module
Phonetics LING5450 Module
Phonology LING5530 Module
Politics and Power in Literature and Film CPLT6670 Module
Politics and Societies LANG4007 Module
Post-1989 German Cinema GRMN3280 Module
Post-War European Cinemas CPLT3190 Module
Post-War Literature and Memory GRMN8050 Module
Postcolonial Cultures CPLT8060 Module
Postcolonial Images of Africa and South Asia CPLT6520 Module
Postmodern French Detective Fiction FREN8070 Module
Postmodernism CPLT6510 Module
Postmodernism CPLT6110 Module
Pragmatics LING5170 Module
Pragmatics LING5160 Module
Principles of Language LING8180 Module
Prize Winners CPLT6470 Module
Prize Winners CPLT6460 Module
Professional Spanish HISP5850 Module
Quantitative Research Methods LING8300 Module
Questions of French Cinema FREN3080 Module
Reading Disorder: Psychopaths in Literature and Film CPLT8001 Module
Reading Monstrosity in Iberian Culture HISP5500 Module
Real Fictions: The Documentation of Modernity FREN8040 Module
Reason and Passion in 18th Century European Fiction CPLT6330 Module
Reason and Passion in 18th Century European Fiction CPLT6320 Module
Research Methods in Linguistics LING8170 Module
Research Skills LING8370 Module
Research Skills - ELL LING5210 Module
Resistance and Revolutions LANG4004 Module
Rethinking Gender: Women's Writing since Wollstonecraft CPLT5002 Module
Romance: From Classical to Postmodern Literature CPLT6260 Module
Romanticism to Realism: Literature and Visual Culture GRMN5810 Module
Romanticism to Realism: Literature and Visual Culture GRMN5820 Module
Science Fiction CPLT3220 Module
Science Fiction: History and Innovation CPLT6270 Module
SCL800 The Idea of Europe SECL8000 Module
Second Language Acquisition LING8340 Module
Second Thoughts: Women Novelists from Bronte to Jelinek CPLT6290 Module
Second Year Extended Essay HISP5680 Module
Semantics LING5230 Module
Semantics and Pragmatics LING5560 Module
Shakespeare's Afterlives CPLT6560 Module
Short Narrative Fiction in French FREN5460 Module
Sociolinguistic Theory LING8250 Module
Sociolinguistic Theory LING8450 Module
Sound, Structure and Meaning ELLS4002 Module
Sounds LING8380 Module
Sounds of English LING3030 Module
Spanish Beginners HISP5860 Module
Spanish Cinema HISP8060 Module
Spanish Dissertation HISP9980 Module
Spanish Extended Essay HISP5370 Module
Spanish for Business HISP5840 Module
Spanish Immersion 1 HISP5006 Module
Spanish Immersion 2 HISP5007 Module
Spanish Immersion 3 HISP6000 Module
Spanish Intermediate HISP5870 Module
Spanish Literature: Identity HISP5130 Module
Spanish Literature: Sexuality HISP5170 Module
Spanish: Half Year Abroad HISP5590 Module
Speak Proper German! GRMN3210 Module
State-Building in Latin America HISP3190 Module
Storytelling Across the Ages? ELLS4003 Module
Structure LING8330 Module
Studying Language ELLS4001 Module
Studying Literature ELLS4000 Module
Studying Modern Foreign Languages LANG4006 Module
Stylistics: Language in Literature LING5180 Module
Stylistics: Language in Literature LING5500 Module
Surrealism FREN6340 Module
Surrealism in Literature and Film FREN5570 Module
SWIPE Undergradddduate Conference CPLT6410 Module
Syntax 1 LING5190 Module
Syntax II LING5260 Module
Tackling Text: Explaining Style LING3070 Module
Tales of the Fantastic CPLT8150 Module
Teaching Portfolio LING8560 Module
Terrorism and State Terror in Latin America HISP5630 Module
Texts and Contexts 1 FREN3370 Module
Texts and Contexts 2 FREN3380 Module
The Book and the Film: Adaptation and Interpretation CPLT5180 Module
The Book and the Film: Adaptation and Interpretation ELLS6005 Module
The Carnivalesque in Modern Spanish Theatre I HISP5420 Module
The Carnivalesque in Modern Spanish Theatre II HISP5430 Module
The Devil in Literature and Film CPLT6680 Module
The Epic: From Homer to Walcott CPLT6430 Module
The Epic: From Homer to Walcott CPLT6420 Module
The German Novelle GRMN5730 Module
The German Novelle GRMN5740 Module
The Legacy of Inequality: Race and Ethnicity in Latin America HISP5620 Module
The Literary Imagination? ELLS4005 Module
The Lyric Imagination GRMN5720 Module
The Lyric Imagination GRMN5710 Module
The Make-Up: Representations of Gender in Contemporary Italy IT576 ITAL5760 Module
The Modern Spanish Novel in Translation HISP3180 Module
The Modern Spanish-American Short-Story (in translation) HISP3080 Module
The Modernist Idiom CPLT6030 Module
The Night in French Literature: From the Baroque to Decadence FREN8050 Module
The Novella: From Boccaccio to Bellow CPLT5260 Module
The Novella: From Boccaccio to Bellow CPLT6390 Module
The Novella: From Boccaccio to Bellow CPLT6400 Module
The Painting as Phantom : Diderot to Proust FREN6210 Module
The Phonetics and Phonology of Prosody LING5470 Module
The Practice of TESOL LING8430 Module
The Quest CPLT5980 Module
The Reader and the Text FREN6130 Module
The Renaissance CPLT5280 Module
The Renaissance CPLT5310 Module
The Romantic Movement CPLT3230 Module
The Romantic Movement in Europe CPLT3200 Module
The Shoah in Literature, Film and Culture CPLT6240 Module
The Sonnet CPLT5330 Module
The Study of Speech 1 LING5250 Module
The Tale CPLT3110 Module
The Text: Approaches to Comparative Literature CPLT5100 Module
The Text: Approaches to Comparative Literature CPLT5003 Module
Theories of Art in Modern French Thought FREN8720 Module
Theories of Discourse and Culture LING5200 Module
Thesis:French FREN9990 Module
Through a Lens: Photography in the Text in Modern French Studies FREN8700 Module
Topics in Pragmatics LING5330 Module
Topics in Semantics LING5350 Module
Topics in Syntax LING8470 Module
Topics in Syntax LING8270 Module
Tragedy through the ages CPLT5950 Module
Trainspotting: Representations of Infrastructure in Modern French Culture FREN6400 Module
Transformations of Paris FREN5001 Module
Travel Literature CPLT5940 Module
Travel Literature CPLT6380 Module
Travel Literature CPLT6370 Module
Travel, Exile and the Ethnographic Gaze CPLT6650 Module
Travel, Migration, and Displacement ELLS6002 Module
Twentieth Century France in Crisis FREN3100 Module
Upheavals of the Mind - European Romanticism in Context CPLT3270 Module
Varieties of Artifice: The Painting in the Text in Modern French FREN8690 Module
Varieties of German Writing GRMN3110 Module
Voices of a Continent - 20th Century Latin American Poets HISP5550 Module
Voices of a Continent - 20th Century Latin American Poets HISP5560 Module
Wien-Berlin. Tales of Two Cities GRMN5900 Module
Wien-Berlin: Tales of Two Cities GRMN5890 Module
Women in Latin American Narrative and Film HISP5410 Module
Women Writers and the Family in Twentieth Century Literature I FREN8550 Module
Women Writers in the Portuguese Speaking World HISP5003 Module
Women Writers of the Twentieth Century ITAL5310 Module
Women's Writing in German GRMN5780 Module
Women's Writing in German GRMN5790 Module
World Englishes LING3090 Module
World Literature:An Introduction CPLT3250 Module
Writer and Genre in France I FREN3010 Module
Writer and Genre in France II FREN3020 Module
Writing German: Applied Language Skills 1 GRMN5830 Module
Writing in the Media: A Practical Approach LING5280 Module
Writing In The Media: A Practical Approach LING5300 Module
Writing Italy through the Centuries:An Introduction ITAL3150 Module
Writing Literature: Creative and Criticial Approaches CPLT6620 Module
Writing Networks in Modern French Culture FREN8060 Module
Writing the Caribbean Family FREN6530 Module
Writing the City. The Modern Metropolis in German Literature GRMN8070 Module
Writing the Cuban Revolution HISP5540 Module
Writing the Self: Autobiography in the Modern Period CPLT8080 Module
Writing Unreason: Literature and Madness in the Modern Period CPLT8110 Module
Year Abroad Module LANG0001 Module

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