This module focuses on the global spread of the English Language as an aspect of historical and contemporary cultural and commercial events. Students will get the opportunity to compare varieties of English both in Britain and in other English speaki... more. Canterbury, week 1-13

Lists linked to World Englishes

Title Sort by title Time Period Last updated Sort by last updated
Global Englishes LL309 2019/20 2020-2021 Ended 31/08/2021 26/05/2020 17:47:24
LING3090 Global Englishes 2021/22 2021-2022 Ended 31/08/2022 25/05/2021 17:28:56
LING3090 Global Englishes 2021/22 2022-2023 Ended 31/08/2023 17/05/2022 10:43:28
LING3090 Global Englishes 2021/22 2023-2024 23/05/2023 18:59:43