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Academic Development SOCI3280 Module
Advanced Data Analysis in the Real World SOCI8327 Module
Advising Donors SOCI9620 Module
Analysing Data in the Real World SOCI6026 Module
Careers in Criminology SOCI4120 Module
Careers in Criminology and Criminal Justice SOCI4121 Module
Caring for Vulnerable Adults: Understanding Social Care SOCI6780 Module
Changing Cities and Neighbourhoods SOCI9320 Module
Child Protection Summer School SOCI6230 Module
Childhood, Society and Children's Rights SOCI5380 Module
Collaboration, Integration and Interprofessional Care SOCI7042 Module
Comparative Social Policy SOCI8720 Module
Concepts and Theories in Sociology SOCI5000 Module
Contemporary Child Protection Practice and Policies SOCI9280 Module
Contemporary Culture SOCI3350 Module
Contemporary Issues in Criminology and Criminal Justice SOCI5361 Module
Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Management SOCI7043 Module
Contemporary Social Theory SOCI8830 Module
Contemporary Society, Culture and Media SOCI4116 Module
Contemporary Sociological Theory SOCI7270 Module
Contemporary Sociological Theory SOCI5270 Module
Creative Project in Cultural Studies SOCI7660 Module
Crime , Media and Culture SOCI6050 Module
Crime and Punishment in Britain from 1750 to the Present SOCI5061 Module
Crime, Culture and Control SOCI3330 Module
Crime, Disorder and Public Safety SOCI8950 Module
Crime, Society and Documentary Filmmaking SOCI7430 Module
Criminal Justice in Modern Britain:Development, Issues and Politics SOCI5360 Module
Critical Criminology SOCI8680 Module
Critical Thinking in Everyday Life SOCI3410 Module
Cultural Criminology SOCI8810 Module
Cultural Studies Research Dissertation SOCI6830 Module
Culture, Health and Social Care SOCI8790 Module
Cultures of Embodiment SOCI6760 Module
Cultures of Secrecy SOCI7010 Module
Current Problems in Sociology SOCI8600 Module
Definitions, Prevalence, Causes and Consequences of Child Protection SOCI9270 Module
Design of Social research SOCI8330 Module
Developing Practice Competence SOCI5930 Module
Developing the Criminological Imagination SOCI4111 Module
Developing the Criminological Imagination SOCI4110 Module
Digital Culture SOCI6570 Module
Digital Culture SOCI5015 Module
Dissertation SOCI9980 Module
Dissertation Child Protection SOCI9950 Module
Dissertation in Philanthropic Studies SOCI8001 Module
Dissertation Social Work (Step Up to Social Work MA) SOCI8991 Module
Documentary Film Making and the Social Sciences SOCI9560 Module
Doing Social Research with Numbers SOCI4100 Module
Drugs and Crime SOCI6542 Module
Drugs, Crime and the Criminal Justice System SOCI6541 Module
Drugs, Culture and Control SOCI8750 Module
Drugs, Culture and Control SOCI6890 Module
Education in a Global World SOCI5014 Module
Education in a Global World SOCI5017 Module
Emotion, Media and Culture SOCI7420 Module
Enlightenment, Revolution and the Modern Social World SOCI7640 Module
Environmental Policy and Practice SOCI5390 Module
Environmental Politics SOCI5250 Module
Environmental Sociology: Politics and Protest SOCI6016 Module
Epidemiology and Public Heath SOCI9510 Module
Ethnicity in Multi-ethnic Societies SOCI6012 Module
European Social Policy and The Role of Organised Civil Society SOCI8310 Module
Evaluation and Research in Health Services SOCI9500 Module
Final Year Project SOCI6015 Module
Forced Migration , Health and Social Care SOCI8660 Module
Foundations of Sociology SOCI8670 Module
FRTP Module 4 SOCI8190 Module
Fundamentals of Philanthropy SOCI8080 Module
Fundamentals of Sociology SOCI3370 Module
Fundamentals of Sociology SOCI4118 Module
Fundraising and Philanthropy SOCI8390 Module
Gender and Family in a Global Society SOCI8360 Module
Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice SOCI5330 Module
Gender, Crime and Criminal Justice SOCI8300 Module
Gender, Work and Equality SOCI5440 Module
Global Philanthropy: Comparative Perspectives SOCI9590 Module
Global Sustainable Healthcare SOCI7044 Module
Globalisation and Development SOCI5016 Module
Globalization and Development SOCI6840 Module
Governing Science, Technology and Society in the 21st Century SOCI9380 Module
Health medicine and society SOCI8130 Module
Health Policy, Power and Politics SOCI6030 Module
Health, Illness and Medicine SOCI5090 Module
How to Win Arguments with Numbers SOCI7460 Module
Humanitarian Issues in Forced Migration SOCI8800 Module
Identity, the State and Belonging SOCI8740 Module
Immigrant Integration and Incorporation SOCI8650 Module
Individual Intervention Dissertation SOCI5870 Module
Industry Placement SOCI6040 Module
Industry Report SOCI6041 Module
Inequalities SOCI5009 Module
Inequalities, Crime and Justice SOCI5002 Module
International Migration, Issues and Perspectives SOCI8780 Module
Intersectionalities and Crime SOCI8322 Module
Introduction to Applied Health and Care Research and Evaluation SOCI9006 Module
Introduction to Applied Health Research SOCI9490 Module
Introduction to Applied Health Research SOCI9000 Module
Introduction to Criminal Justice SOCI4112 Module
Introduction to Criminology SOCI3050 Module
Introduction to Criminology SOCI4051 Module
Introduction to Health Economics SOCI9530 Module
Investigating Social Issues SOCI5007 Module
Kent Student Certificate for Volunteering, Platinumn Award SOCI6700 Module
Key Issues in Comparative Social Policy SOCI8770 Module
Key Issues in Digital Society and Culture SOCI4122 Module
Legislation and Policy in Social Work Practice SOCI9740 Module
Life Course Development SOCI9700 Module
Literature and Society SOCI7370 Module
Making Sense of Society SOCI4114 Module
Management in Primary Care Organisations SOCI7300 Module
Managing and Delivering Community Care Services SOCI5910 Module
Managing Integrated Health Systems SOCI9640 Module
Mental Health SOCI5320 Module
Migration and Belonging SOCI7550 Module
Migration and Belonging SOCI6018 Module
Migration, Borders and Transnationalism in Global Societies SOCI9820 Module
Migration: Conflict, the State and Human Rights SOCI8640 Module
Modern Chinese Societies SOCI7090 Module
Modern Culture SOCI3340 Module
Money and Power: Sociology of Economic Life SOCI6022 Module
Multispecies Sociology: Animals and Society SOCI6017 Module
New Perspectives on Assessment and Observation SOCI9290 Module
Offender Rehabilitation in Prisons and Probation SOCI6191 Module
Organised Civil Society and the Third Sector SOCI8760 Module
Policing and Society SOCI5011 Module
Popular Culture, Media and Society SOCI5060 Module
Popular Culture, Media and Society SOCI7500 Module
Popular Culture, Media and Society SOCI5006 Module
Poverty, Inequality and Social Security SOCI5750 Module
Practice Assignments 1 SOCI9440 Module
Practice Assignments 1 SOCI7230 Module
Practice Placement 1 (Step Up) SOCI9750 Module
Primary Health Care: Theory and Practice SOCI7350 Module
Prisons and Penal Policy SOCI9400 Module
Prisons and Society SOCI5003 Module
Protest, Activism and Social Change SOCI6197 Module
Public Health and the Role of Primary Care SOCI7320 Module
Qualitative Methods in Health Research SOCI9540 Module
Qualitative Research SOCI8170 Module
Qualitative Social Research Methods SOCI5460 Module
Quantitative Methods in Health Research SOCI9550 Module
Race and Ethnicity in Multicultural Societies SOCI5008 Module
Race, Difference and Belonging SOCI8840 Module
Racism SOCI5370 Module
Readiness for Direct Practice SOCI4090 Module
Readiness for Direct Practice SOCI9692 Module
Refugees and Forced Migration SOCI6640 Module
Religion and Social Theory SOCI8930 Module
Reproductive Health Policy in Britain SOCI5950 Module
Research and Evaluation Methods SOCI7340 Module
Research Dissertation SOCI6790 Module
Research Methodologies - Design, Methods Application and Critique in Child Protection Research SOCI9261 Module
Research Methods and Dissertation SOCI8990 Module
Research Methods for Philanthropic Studies SOCI8000 Module
Research Methods in Criminology SOCI8700 Module
Researching Bodies and Gender SOCI6021 Module
Researching Digital Society and Culture SOCI5005 Module
Restorative Justice Clinic SOCI6880 Module
Restorative Justice in Action SOCI6820 Module
Restorative Justice: Concepts, Issues, Debates SOCI6811 Module
Restorative Justice: Theories and Practices SOCI5004 Module
Risk and Society SOCI6590 Module
Science and Society SOCI6196 Module
Selfies: Individualization and Society SOCI6011 Module
So you think you're better than me? The sociology of status SOCI5013 Module
SO621 Narrative, Myth and Cultural Memory SOCI6210 Module
SO748 The Practice of Quantative Research SOCI7480 Module
SO756 Quantative Research Dissertation SOCI7560 Module
Social & Political Movements SOCI8220 Module
Social Change & Political Order SOCI8230 Module
Social Justice Debates SOCI8323 Module
Social Research Methods SOCI6020 Module
Social Research Methods and Evaluation SOCI5920 Module
Social Suffering SOCI8850 Module
Social Work Skills and Values SOCI9691 Module
Social Work Theories, Intervention and Skills SOCI3130 Module
Social Work, Processes, Theories & Methods SOCI9730 Module
Society & Animals SOCI6260 Module
Society, Culture and Power SOCI4115 Module
Sociological Theory: The Classics SOCI4119 Module
Sociological Theory: The Classics SOCI4080 Module
Sociology SOCI3000 Module
Sociology and Social Politics of the Family SOCI7020 Module
Sociology of Crime and Deviance SOCI5050 Module
Sociology of Everyday Life SOCI4117 Module
Sociology of Everyday Life SOCI3360 Module
Sociology of Religion SOCI7360 Module
Sociology of Violence SOCI8240 Module
State Crime and Resistance SOCI6220 Module
Statistics in Applied Health Research SOCI9520 Module
Support, Help and Intervention SOCI9300 Module
Support, Help and Intervention in International Child Protection SOCI9790 Module
Techniques of Data Analysis SOCI8320 Module
Terrorism and Modern Society SOCI5940 Module
Terrorism and Modern Society SOCI8250 Module
The Art and Science of Fundraising SOCI9580 Module
The Family, Parenting Culture and Parenting Policy SOCI8940 Module
The History of Crime and Punishment SOCI8270 Module
The Idea of Civil Society SOCI8380 Module
The Information Society and Digital Culture SOCI5990 Module
The Patient/Doctor Consultation SOCI7310 Module
The Politics of Criminal Justice SOCI6193 Module
The Power and Limits of Causal Analysis SOCI7440 Module
The Psychology of Criminal Justice SOCI5482 Module
The Sociology of Imprisonment SOCI7110 Module
The Sociology of Risk SOCI8540 Module
The Sociology of Urban Life SOCI6024 Module
The Sociology of Work SOCI6680 Module
The Third Sector: Non Profit Associations, Charities, NGOS & Social E SOCI6450 Module
The Unconscious at Work: The OrganizationalDimensions of Risk-Management SOCI9310 Module
Theoretical Criminology SOCI8681 Module
Theories of Crime SOCI8690 Module
Theories of Crime and Harm SOCI4113 Module
Theories of Migration, Integration and Citizenship SOCI8730 Module
Time, Memory and Society SOCI6023 Module
Understanding Global Harms SOCI8324 Module
Understanding Health Economics SOCI7330 Module
Understanding Social Research SOCI9260 Module
Urban Imaginaries: Crime and Deviance in the City SOCI9810 Module
Urban Policy SOCI9390 Module
Urban Sociology SOCI8100 Module
Urban Sociology SOCI7120 Module
User Group Specific Practice SOCI5890 Module
Violence and Society SOCI5340 Module
Violence and Society SOCI6194 Module
Volunteering and Society SOCI9570 Module
War, Atrocity and Genocide SOCI7100 Module
Welfare in Modern Britain SOCI6010 Module
Women, Crime and Justice SOCI6180 Module
Working Across Agencies and Sectors SOCI5860 Module
Worlds of Work SOCI8860 Module
Year Abroad Mark One SOCI6060 Module
Year Abroad Mark Two SOCI6070 Module
Young People, Crime and Place SOCI8820 Module
Youth and Crime SOCI5350 Module
Youth, Crime and Youth Justice SOCI6195 Module

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