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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Practice in Classical and Archaeological Studies CLAS3570 Module
Advanced Ancient Greek Language CLAS6270 Module
Advanced Ancient Greek Plus CLAS7110 Module
Advanced Greek Prose CLAS7530 Module
Advanced Latin CLAS6470 Module
Advanced Latin Plus CLAS7100 Module
Advanced Latin Verse CLAS7590 Module
Advanced Topics in Ancient History CLAS6200 Module
Advanced Topics in Archaeology CLAS6011 Module
Advanced Topics in Classical Studies CLAS6008 Module
Advanced Topics in Classical Studies CLAS6017 Module
Advanced Topics in Classical Studies CLAS7360 Module
Aegean Archaeology CLAS3360 Module
Age, Gender and Ethnicity in the Roman World CLAS8990 Module
Alexander the Great & the Hellenistic World CLAS6930 Module
Ancient Egypt: Key Sites and Material Culture CLAS3720 Module
Ancient Greek History: Evidence and Approaches CLAS8004 Module
Ancient Greek Science: Astronomy and Medicine CLAS8210 Module
Ancient History Dissertation CLAS9940 Module
Archaeological Fieldwork Methods and Tenchniques CLAS6870 Module
Archaeological Project CLAS6360 Module
Archaeological Project (PT) CLAS6760 Module
Archaeological Studies Dissertation CLAS9960 Module
Archaeology of Canterbury CLAS3710 Module
Archaeology of the Romans in the West CLAS6120 Module
Archaeology: Its History, Themes and Personalities CLAS3510 Module
Archaeology: The Essentials CLAS4010 Module
Archaic Greece and Persia CLAS5700 Module
Archaic Greece and Persia CLAS6640 Module
Artefacts in Archaeology CLAS8240 Module
Athenian Power Plays CLAS7130 Module
Athenian Power Plays CLAS7140 Module
Barbarians in the West CLAS6590 Module
Barbarians in the West and the Late Antique Transition, 400-700 A.D CLAS5910 Module
Beginner's Greek 1 CLAS3590 Module
Beginner's Greek 2 CLAS3600 Module
Beginners' Greek for MA Students CLAS3560 Module
Beginners' Latin CLAS3490 Module
Beginners’ Ancient Languages 1 CLAS4006 Module
Beginners’ Ancient Languages 2 CLAS4007 Module
Britain before the Caesars: The Archaeology of the Iron Age CLAS6660 Module
Cities and Empires of the Ancient Near East CLAS5004 Module
City State to World Empire CLAS6450 Module
City State to World Empire CLAS5740 Module
CL Dissertation CLAS8970 Module
CL358 Words Are Weapons CLAS3580 Module
CL755 Intermediate Greek 1 CLAS7550 Module
CL760 Intermediate Latin 1 CLAS7600 Module
CL836 Ancient History from Inscriptions CLAS8360 Module
Classical & Archaeological Studies Dissertation CLAS5040 Module
Classical Archaeology CLAS3670 Module
Classical Archaeology: Great Sites, Key Issues CLAS4001 Module
Classical Literature CLAS3730 Module
Classical Literature CLAS4008 Module
Classical Mythology: Themes and Approaches to Ancient Greek CLAS3660 Module
Classical Mythology: Themes and Approaches to Ancient Greek Myth CLAS4003 Module
Classical Mythology:Themes and Approaches CLAS3150 Module
Classical Studies and Ancient History in the Classroom CLAS6990 Module
Classical Studies and Ancient History in the Classroom CLAS7310 Module
Classical Studies: Thesis CLAS9990 Module
Comedy and Satire in Greece and Rome CLAS5790 Module
Constantinople and the Late Antique City CLAS6650 Module
Constantinople and the late Antique City CLAS6390 Module
Contemporary Archaeology: theories, methods and issues CLAS8050 Module
Current Trends in Ancient Literature and Culture CLAS8001 Module
Dissertation CLAS6015 Module
Early Greece and the Formation of the Classical World CLAS7650 Module
Early Greece and the Formation of the Classical World CLAS5202 Module
Early Greek Prose in the Original CLAS7150 Module
Early Greek Prose in the Original CLAS7160 Module
Early Greek Verse in the Original CLAS7180 Module
Early Greek Verse in the Original CLAS7170 Module
Early Latin Prose in the Original CLAS7240 Module
Early Latin Prose in the Original CLAS7230 Module
Early Latin Prose in the Original (Advanced) CLAS7260 Module
Early Latin Prose in the Original (Advanced) CLAS7250 Module
Egypt and the Classical World CLAS5201 Module
Egypt and the Classical World CLAS7050 Module
Egypt and the Classical World CLAS7700 Module
Egypt: Key Sites and Material Culture CLAS4005 Module
Egyptian Hieroglyphs CLAS6003 Module
Egyptian Hieroglyphs CLAS5001 Module
Everyday Life in the Roman Empire CLAS6750 Module
Everyday Life in the Roman Empire CLAS6740 Module
Evidence and Interpretation Assignment: Review and Critique CLAS8080 Module
Extended Assignment on an Archaeological Theme P1 CLAS5920 Module
Extended Essay CLAS6002 Module
Fieldwork Practice CLAS6770 Module
Fieldwork Practice: The Practice of Archaeological Data Recovery in the Field or through Materials Study CLAS5100 Module
From Athens’ Fall to Alexander’s Successors CLAS6202 Module
Gender and Sexuality in Roman Society CLAS5011 Module
Gods, Heroes and Mystery Cults: Religion in Ancient Greece CLAS6520 Module
Gods, Heroes and Mystery Cults: Religion in Ancient Greece CLAS7520 Module
Gods, Heroes and Mystery Cults: Religion in Ancient Greece CLAS6106 Module
Graeco-Roman Egypt CLAS5860 Module
Graeco-Roman Egypt CLAS6500 Module
Greek and Roman Art and Architecture CLAS5103 Module
Greek and Roman Comedy CLAS6830 Module
Greek and Roman Comedy CLAS6840 Module
Greek and Roman Medicine CLAS6630 Module
Greek and Roman Medicine CLAS6070 Module
Greek Art and Architecture CLAS6080 Module
Greek for Beginners CLAS3100 Module
Greek for Beginners - 1 unit CLAS3520 Module
Greek Philology CLAS8180 Module
Greek Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle (2014/2015) CLAS7080 Module
Greek Philosophy: Plato and Aristotle (2014/2015) CLAS7090 Module
Heads, Heroes and Horses in Search of the Ancient Celts CLAS5880 Module
Heads, Heroes and Horses: in search of the Ancient Celts CLAS6510 Module
Hellenistic Art and Architecture CLAS8220 Module
Hellenistic Literature and Culture CLAS6540 Module
Hellenistic Literature and Culture CLAS6340 Module
Hellenistic MA Dissertation CLAS9950 Module
Heritage and Human Rights CLAS8310 Module
Heritage Sites, Conservation and Management (with internship) CLAS6980 Module
Heritage Studies (with Internship) CLAS7020 Module
Heritage Studies (with Internship) CLAS7030 Module
Heritage Studies – Exploring Key Debates CLAS6102 Module
Heritage Studies – Internships CLAS6103 Module
Hieroglyphs without Mystery: Introduction to the Study of Languages and CLAS6300 Module
History of the Roman Empire from Augustus to Domitian CLAS5870 Module
History of the Roman Empire from Trajan to Constantine CLAS7660 Module
History of the Roman Empire from Trajan to Constantine CLAS5840 Module
Homeric Epic CLAS5012 Module
Homeric Epic CLAS7640 Module
Intermediate Ancient Languages 1 CLAS5013 Module
Intermediate Ancient Languages 2 CLAS5014 Module
Intermediate Greek 2 CLAS7560 Module
Intermediate Greek Language CLAS5500 Module
Intermediate Latin CLAS5130 Module
Intermediate Latin II CLAS7610 Module
International Heritage, Archaeology and Development CLAS8300 Module
Introduction to Archaeology CLAS3290 Module
Introduction to Egyptian Archaeology CLAS3470 Module
Introduction to Greek Civilisation CLAS3680 Module
Ionian Literature CLAS8170 Module
King & Court of Achaemenid Persia CLAS6430 Module
King & Court of Achaemenid Persia CLAS6330 Module
Late Antique Archaeology CLAS8160 Module
Late Antique Archaeology: Mediterranean Life from Constantine to Muhamm CLAS6400 Module
Late Antique Archaeology: The Mediterranean from Constantine to Muhamm CLAS6380 Module
Later Greek Prose CLAS7420 Module
Later Greek Prose in the Original CLAS7190 Module
Later Greek Prose in the Original CLAS7200 Module
Later Greek Verse in the Original CLAS7210 Module
Later Greek Verse in the Original CLAS7440 Module
Later Greek Verse in the Original CLAS7220 Module
Later Greek Verse in the Original CLAS7450 Module
Later Latin Prose in the Original CLAS7460 Module
Later Latin Prose in the Original CLAS7280 Module
Later Latin Prose in the Original CLAS7270 Module
Later Latin Verse in the Original CLAS7490 Module
Later Latin Verse in the Original CLAS7300 Module
Later Latin Verse in the Original CLAS7480 Module
Later Latin Verse in the Original CLAS7290 Module
Latin for Beginners Beginners' Latin CLAS3110 Module
Latin for Beginners (1 unit - Period I) CLAS3170 Module
Latin for Beginners 1 CLAS3640 Module
Latin for Beginners 2 CLAS3650 Module
Life and Society in the Ancient World CLAS8002 Module
Love and Sex in Greece and Rome CLAS6670 Module
Love, Sex and Society in Greece and Rome CLAS6800 Module
Love,Sex and Society in Greece and Rome Love and Sex in Greece and Rome CLAS5730 Module
Mediterranean Empires from Carthage and Rome to the Indus CLAS3700 Module
Migration, Slavery and Race in the Ancient World CLAS4004 Module
Migration, Slavery and Race in the Ancient World CLAS5003 Module
Minoan Art and Architecture CLAS6230 Module
Modern Uses of Classical Mythology CLAS5002 Module
Monsters in Roman Literature CLAS6020 Module
Monsters in Roman Literature CLAS6920 Module
Monsters in Roman Literature CLAS6910 Module
Museum Studies (with internship) CLAS7000 Module
Museum Studies (with internship) CLAS7010 Module
Museum Studies: Interpretation, Collection, Care and Management CLAS6970 Module
Myth into Tragedy CLAS5780 Module
Myth into Tragedy CLAS5600 Module
New Debates in Roman Political and Social History CLAS8003 Module
Power and Persuasion: The Classical World CLAS4000 Module
Practical Archaeology Report CLAS9010 Module
Remaking the Past Antiquity in the Present CLAS5000 Module
Research Skills in Ancient History - Understanding the City in Antiquity CLAS9000 Module
Researching Ancient Rome CLAS8320 Module
Roman and Medieval Artefacts CLAS6040 Module
Roman Archaeology: Northern Provinces of the Empire from their Iron Age CLAS8070 Module
Roman Art and Architecture CLAS6090 Module
Roman Britain CLAS6480 Module
Roman Britain CLAS5170 Module
Roman Britain: History and Archaeology CLAS6105 Module
Roman Emperors and Biography CLAS3540 Module
Roman Kent CLAS3550 Module
Romans in the West CLAS6960 Module
Romans in the West CLAS6950 Module
Rome -The Imperial City CLAS8280 Module
Rome in the First Century AD: The Global City from Augustus to Domitian CLAS4009 Module
Rome: The Eternal City CLAS8980 Module
Rome: The Imperial Republic Rome, the Imperial Republic CLAS5820 Module
Sexuality, Secrecy and Sin:Ancient Christianity and the World of Late A CLAS8230 Module
Storytelling in Antiquity CLAS6600 Module
Storytelling in Antiquity CLAS6000 Module
Storytelling in Antiquity CLAS6460 Module
The Archaeology of Death CLAS6010 Module
The Civilisations of Greece and Rome CLAS3530 Module
The Crisis of the Late Republic CLAS6201 Module
The Crisis of the Roman Republic CLAS6690 Module
The Crisis of the Roman Republic CLAS5830 Module
The Engagement Project CLAS5010 Module
The Foundations of Britain: Archaeology of the first Millenium B.C. CLAS5900 Module
The Greeks in Achaemenid Persia CLAS8190 Module
The Hellenistic World: History and Material Culture CLAS7370 Module
The Hellenistic World: History and Material Culture (Aut) CLAS7380 Module
The Literature and Cultural Identity of the Imperial Period CLAS6490 Module
The Literature and Cultural Identity of the Imperial Period CLAS6790 Module
The Literature and Cultural Identity of the Imperial Period - Being Gre The Literature and Cultural Identity of the Imperial Period CLAS6260 Module
The Political, Social and Economic History of the Hellenistic World:An CLAS8200 Module
The Reign of Darius I CLAS6190 Module
The Reign of Darius I CLAS6440 Module
The Rise and Fall of Athens CLAS7630 Module
The Rise and Fall of Athens CLAS7070 Module
The Rise and Fall of Athens CLAS7060 Module
The Roman Family: from Birth to Old Age CLAS6810 Module
The Roman Family: from Birth to Old Age CLAS6820 Module
The World of the Ancient Symposium (Advanced Topics in Ancient History) CLAS7680 Module
Topics in Advanced Ancient Greek CLAS6580 Module
Topics in Advanced Latin CLAS6570 Module
Torture and Sacrifice: the literature of early Christianity CLAS6850 Module
Torture and Sacrifice: the literature of early Christianity CLAS6860 Module
Transmanche Archaeologies: themes in the Archaeolog of the Transman CLAS8060 Module
Transmanche Supervised Essay or Practical Assignment CLAS8090 Module
Tyranny and Transformation: The Roman World CLAS4002 Module
UNESCO World Heritage sites, finding a future for our past CLAS6005 Module
Virgil's Aeneid CLAS7620 Module
Virgil's Aeneid CLAS6410 Module
Virgil’s Aeneid CLAS5015 Module
War and Imperialism in Ancient Rome, 350-100 BCE CLAS5200 Module

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