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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
A Current Issue POLI8340 Module
Advanced Analysis of British Politics POLI6720 Module
Advanced Research Design in Politics and International Relations POLI8108 Module
Advanced topics in International Relations POLI6650 Module
Advanced Topics in Politics and International Relations POLI7001 Module
African Politics (Brussels) POLI9570 Module
American Foreign Policy: Ordering the International POLI9130 Module
American Politics POLI5009 Module
American Politics POLI5015 Module
Analysing British Politics Today POLI3360 Module
Bi-Diplome Lille (A1) Mark 1 POLI3210 Module
Bi-Diplome Lille (A1) mARK 2 POLI3220 Module
Bi-Diplome Lille (A1) Mark 3 POLI3230 Module
Bi-Diplome Lille (A1) Mark 4 POLI3240 Module
China's Foreign Policy POLI9450 Module
Classical and Christian Political Philosophy POLI6630 Module
Comparative Federal Political Systems POLI8670 Module
Comparative Political Behaviour POLI8101 Module
Conflict Analysis and Northern Ireland: History, Politics & Culture POLI6640 Module
Conflict and Security POLI9340 Module
Conflict and Security in Africa POLI6360 Module
Conflict Prevention POLI9230 Module
Conflict Resolution in World Politics POLI8320 Module
Conflict Resolution in World Politics (BSIS) POLI8600 Module
Conflict Transformation and Peace (Brussels) POLI8113 Module
Connections LART6850 Module
Conservatism: Politics and International Relations of the Right POLI6690 Module
Contemporary Development and Security Challenges in the Asia Pacific POLI6840 Module
Contemporary Energy Security: Models, Markets and Strategies POLI9430 Module
Contemporary Political Theory POLI6012 Module
Contemporary Political Theory POLI5004 Module
Contemporary Politics and Government in the United States POLI6170 Module
Contending Approaches to World Politics POLI6900 Module
Decision Making in the European Union PO885 Module
Decision Making in the European Union POLI8850 Module
Democracy Under Threat POLI5008 Module
Democracy Under Threat POLI5014 Module
Designing Democracy POLI9260 Module
Development: Theory and Practice POLI9290 Module
Dictatorship and Democracy POLI6610 Module
Dictatorships POLI6008 Module
Dictatorships POLI6015 Module
Dissertation in Politics and International Relations Dissertation in Law Dissertation in Migration Studies POLI9970 Module
Dissertation:Politics POLI9980 Module
Doing Politics with Numbers POLI5012 Module
Doing Politics with Words POLI5011 Module
East Asian Political Systems an Introduction POLI6200 Module
East Asian Politics POLI6830 Module
East European Politics POLI6180 Module
Engendering Politics:Feminist Contributions to Political Theory POLI5930 Module
Ethics in International Relations POLI5590 Module
EU Crisis Module POLI9590 Module
EU Politics and Governance (Brussels) POLI9490 Module
EU Public Policy POLI9060 Module
Europe and Global Change POLI9480 Module
Europe and the World POLI5660 Module
European Foreign and Security Policy in the 21st Century POLI8140 Module
European Integration POLI3120 Module
European Public Policy POLI8860 Module
European Security Co-operation since 1945 POLI5990 Module
European Union Politics and Policy POLI6400 Module
Federalism and Federal Political Systems POLI8660 Module
Federalism, Regionalism and Nationalism in Europe POLI6090 Module
Final Year Project POLI6010 Module
Final Year Project POLI6000 Module
Foreign Policy Analysis POLI9240 Module
Foreign Policy: Systems, States and Leaders POLI5017 Module
Foreign Policy: Systems, States, and Leaders POLI5630 Module
Gender and Conflicts POLI9440 Module
Global Governance and International Organisation POLI9350 Module
Global Governance of Peace and Security POLI5002 Module
Global Governance of Peace and Security POLI5010 Module
Global Perspectives on Political Resistance POLI7002 Module
Global Politics in Question POLI3340 Module
Globalisation and World Politics POLI3280 Module
Governance and politics of contemporary China POLI5970 Module
Governance and War in Cyberspace POLI6910 Module
Governance and War in Cyberspace POLI8114 Module
Histories of International Conflict POLI9250 Module
How to Start a Revolution: Ideas and Practices of Political Resistance POLI6820 Module
Human Rights in a World of States POLI8590 Module
Human Security in Forced Migration (Brussels) POLI9551 Module
Humanitarian Communication POLI6390 Module
Humans at War POLI6560 Module
Identity, the State and Belonging POLI9390 Module
International Conflict Analysis and Resolution POLI5720 Module
International Conflict and Cooperation POLI6600 Module
International Environmental Politics PO946 Module
International Environmental Politics POLI9460 Module
International Environmental Politics POLI6370 Module
International Ethics and Human Rights POLI7000 Module
International History and International Relations POLI3050 Module
International Negotiation & Mediation POLI8480 Module
International Organisation: The UN System POLI5550 Module
International Political Economy POLI6680 Module
International Political Economy (BSIS) POLI8460 Module
International Political Economy: Conflict, Co-Operation and Instituti POLI9200 Module
International Public Policy PO907 Module
International Relations for International Lawyers POLI9010 Module
International Relations Theory POLI8240 Module
International Relations Theory POLI9320 Module
International Security In A Changing World POLI9160 Module
International Security Studies POLI6710 Module
Introduction to Comparative Politics POLI3270 Module
Introduction to Conflict Analysis and Resolution POLI3250 Module
Introduction to Government POLI3150 Module
Introduction to International Politics POLI3100 Module
Introduction to Political Science POLI3260 Module
Introduction to Political Thought POLI3140 Module
Introduction to Strategic Studies POLI6080 Module
Islam, Conflict and the State POLI9220 Module
Japan in the World POLI5570 Module
Key Issues in Comparative Politics POLI9530 Module
Landscapes of the Future POLI6810 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A1) Mark 1 PO647 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A1) Mark 2 PO648 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A1) Mark 3 PO649 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A1) Mark 4 PO650 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A2) Mark 1 POLI6410 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A2) Mark 2 POLI6420 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A2) Mark 3 POLI6430 Module
Lille Year Abroad (A2) Mark4 POLI6440 Module
Lille Year Abroad Mark 1 PO320 Module
Lille Year Abroad Mark One PO631 Module
Lille Year Abroad Mark Two PO632 Module
MA Thesis POLI9650 Module
MA Thesis (Marburg) POLI9660 Module
Making Sense of Politics POLI3350 Module
Making Sense of Politics POLI4001 Module
Market States and Post Democracy POLI6450 Module
Marxism POLI6530 Module
Marxism: Politics and International Relations PO651 Module
Middle Eastern Politics and Society POLI8109 Module
Migration: Conflict, the State and Human Rights POLI9410 Module
Modern Classics of Comparative Politics POLI6190 Module
Modern Political Thought POLI6230 Module
Modes of Reasoning LART3310 Module
Nationalism POLI6920 Module
Negotiation: Theory and Practice POLI6020 Module
Negotiation: Theory and Practice POLI6004 Module
Philosophy & Methodology of Politics and International Relations POLI8250 Module
PO676: The Radical Right in Western Democracies POLI6760 Module
PO701 Campaigning and Advocacy (Brussels) POLI7010 Module
Policies and Policy Making in the European Union POLI6120 Module
Policies and Politics of Health and Health Care in Humanitarian Disaste POLI8112 Module
Policy-making in the EU POLI6210 Module
Political Behaviour in Britain POLI6380 Module
Political Communication POLI8680 Module
Political Ideologies in the 20th Century POLI5000 Module
Political Research Analysis POLI6870 Module
Political Research and Analysis POLI6570 Module
Political Strategy POLI9030 Module
Political Systems of the World POLI3004 Module
Political Theory of the Future POLI6016 Module
Political Theory of the Future POLI6002 Module
Politics and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa POLI9610 Module
Politics and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa POLI6930 Module
Politics and International Relations Year Abroad Mark 1 POLI6240 Module
Politics and International Relations Year Abroad Mark 2 POLI6250 Module
Politics and IR Internship POLI6750 Module
Politics and IR of the Global South POLI5006 Module
Politics and Popular Culture in Modern Japan POLI3110 Module
Politics for University Study POLI0007 Module
Politics in the Classroom POLI6520 Module
Politics in Western European States POLI6070 Module
Politics Industry Placement POLI6100 Module
Politics Industry Report POLI6101 Module
Politics of Deeply Divided Societies POLI6540 Module
Politics of the European Union POLI6110 Module
Politics of the Global Economy POLI6021 Module
Politics of The Middle East POLI6300 Module
Politics of the Middle East POLI8104 Module
Politics of the Middle East and North Africa: Space, Society and Politics POLI6018 Module
Politics Year Abroad POLI5100 Module
Post Communist Russia POLI5790 Module
Power, Interests and Identity in the Asia-Pacific (Brussels) POLI9540 Module
Presidents, Parliaments and Democracy POLI6460 Module
Public Opinion and Polling POLI6550 Module
Public Opinion in Politics POLI6014 Module
Public Opinion: Nature and Measurement POLI9560 Module
Public Policy Analysis POLI9470 Module
Qualitative Methods POLI7020 Module
Quantitative Methodology for Political Science POLI8100 Module
Regional Conflict & Security Analysis POLI9180 Module
Religion and International Politics POLI6660 Module
Research Dissertation POLI6790 Module
Research Methods 2 POLI9990 Module
Research Methods Training I POLI9640 Module
Resistance and Alternatives to Capitalism andDemocracy POLI8170 Module
Resistance and the Politics of Truth POLI9420 Module
Resistance in Practice POLI9360 Module
Resistance in Theory POLI9370 Module
Resistance, Suffering and Leadership POLI6860 Module
Roots of Contemporary Politics POLI4000 Module
Russia in International Affairs (Brussels) POLI8103 Module
Security and Liberties POLI9300 Module
Security Challenges in the Indo-Pacific POLI6019 Module
Social Research in Practice POLI6022 Module
Specialist Dissertation (2 units) POLI5900 Module
State and Revolution: Foundations of Modern Political Thought POLI5018 Module
State and Revolution: Foundations of Modern Political Thought POLI6001 Module
State, Market and Society POLI8810 Module
States and the World POLI4002 Module
States and the World POLI3000 Module
States, Nations and Democracy POLI9510 Module
Studying Politics and International Relations:Skills and Methods POLI3080 Module
Terrorism and National Security POLI9170 Module
Terrorism and Political Violence POLI6290 Module
The Contemporary Politics of Japan POLI5580 Module
The European Union in the World POLI8310 Module
The Governance of the European Union POLI9500 Module
The International Politics of Global Climate Change POLI6620 Module
The Media and Politics of Contemporary Japan POLI3190 Module
The Politics and International Relations of East Asia POLI5960 Module
The Politics of China POLI5003 Module
The Politics of Climate Change POLI5016 Module
The Politics of Global Environmental Change POLI8681 Module
The Politics of Globalisation POLI8090 Module
The Politics of International Development POLI9040 Module
The Politics of the EU POLI5013 Module
The Politics of the Global Economy: North and South POLI6003 Module
The Politics of Trust (in the USA) POLI6160 Module
The Power of Political Ideas POLI4004 Module
The Power of Political Ideas POLI3002 Module
The Public in Politics POLI6006 Module
The Rise of China POLI6580 Module
The Rise of China POLI3180 Module
The Roots of Contemporary Politics POLI3001 Module
The US and Latin America POLI6330 Module
Theories of Conflict and Violence POLI9330 Module
Theories of Conflict and Violence POLI8280 Module
Theories of Conflict Cohesion and Consent POLI6220 Module
Theories of Migration, Integration and Citizenship POLI9400 Module
Transforming British Politics POLI6013 Module
Transforming British Politics POLI6005 Module
Understanding Change in British Politics POLI4003 Module
Understanding Change in British Politics POLI3040 Module
Understanding Federalism POLI6270 Module
Understanding the Contemporary LART3320 Module
Understanding US Foreign Policy: War, Trans- formation and Terror POLI6340 Module
US Foreign Policy (Brussels) PO958 Module
War and Peace in International Society POLI6670 Module
War, Violence and Peace POLI3003 Module
War, Violence and Peace POLI4005 Module
Who Do You Think You Are? On Critical Identity Theories POLI6890 Module
Who Do You Think You Are? On Identity Politics POLI6017 Module
Year Abroad Mark One POLI9140 Module
Year Abroad Mark Two POLI9150 Module
Year Abroad Work Placement POLI6260 Module
Year Abroad Work Placement (Term Version) POLI6700 Module

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