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'Black Girl Magic': Contemporary Feminisms ENGL3440 Module
A Knight's Tale ENGL7280 Module
A Throw of the Dice: Gambling, Gaming & Fiction ENGL6910 Module
A Woman's Tale: Writing Female Identity and Experience in Medieval Europe ENGL7250 Module
Activism and Adaptation ENGL7501 Module
Advanced Critical Reading ENGL8970 Module
Advanced Research and Theory ENGL7502 Module
Adventures in Criticism ENGL4002 Module
Affect in Contemporary American Literature ENGL9120 Module
American Crime Fiction ENGL6580 Module
American Crime Fiction ENGL6012 Module
American Culture and Conflict ENGL9130 Module
American Literature and Culture Dissertation ENGL9110 Module
American Modernism 1900-1930 (Teaching Period I) ENGL8180 Module
American Modernities: US Literature 1930 to the Present ENGL5003 Module
American Modernities: US Literature in the 20th Century ENGL7210 Module
American Power, American Protest ENGL4005 Module
American Power, American Protest ENGL3420 Module
Animals, Humans, Writing ENGL6013 Module
Animals, Humans, Writing ENGL7090 Module
Approaching Poetry ENGL5100 Module
Becoming a Writer ENGL4100 Module
Becoming America: From Poe to The Great Gatsby ENGL5004 Module
Beginning to Write a Novel ENGL6100 Module
Black Literature Matters: Race & Representation in North America ENGL6231 Module
Bodies of Evidence: Reading The Body In Eighteenth Century Literature ENGL6330 Module
Body and Place in the Postcolonial Text ENGL8570 Module
Books that Shaped Culture: An Introduction to Literature ENGL3350 Module
Centres and Edges: Modernist and Postcolonial Quest Literature ENGL6015 Module
Centres and Edges: Modernist and Postcolonial Quest Literature (2023/2024) ENGL6004 Module
Centres and Edges: Modernist and PostcolonialQuest Literature ENGL8500 Module
Changing Literatures: From Chaucer to the Contemporary ENGL4000 Module
Charles Dickens and Victorian England ENGL5800 Module
Chaucer and Late Medieval English Literature ENGL6970 Module
Class: Narratives of Exclusion and Belonging ENGL4007 Module
Clouds, Waves & Crows: Writing the Natural, 1800 to the Present ENGL6840 Module
contemporary British and Irish Poetry ENGL7120 Module
Contemporary Irish Writing ENGL6590 Module
Contemporary Postcolonial Writing ENGL8580 Module
Contemporary Struggles ENGL9070 Module
Cosmopolitan Wilde: Writings from Dublin, London and Paris (Paris) ENGL8640 Module
Creative and Critical Conversations ENGL4003 Module
Creative Writing ENGL8120 Module
Creative Writing Foundations (Spring) ENGL3390 Module
Creative Writing Long Project ENGL7190 Module
Creative Writing Long Project ENGL7180 Module
Critical Race Theory ENGL8030 Module
Cross-Cultural Coming-of-Age Narratives ENGL6760 Module
Declaring Independence: 19th Century US Literature ENGL6750 Module
Desire and Loss in Victorian Poetry and Prose ENGL8370 Module
Diaspora and Exile (Paris) ENGL9060 Module
Dickens and the Condition of England ENGL8760 Module
Dickens and the Material Culture of the Victorian Novel ENGL8360 Module
Dickens, The Victorians and the Body ENGL8350 Module
Discord and Devotion: Society & Spirituality in Middle English Literature ENGL7040 Module
Discourses on Empire ENGL8520 Module
Discovery Space: New Theatres in Early Modern England ENGL6680 Module
Dissertation: Creative Writing ENGL9970 Module
Dissertation: Creative Writing ENGL9971 Module
Dissertation:GPMS ENGL9980 Module
Early Drama ENGL3020 Module
Early Modern Literature 1500-1700 ENGL6920 Module
Early Shakespeare ENGL7270 Module
Elements of Fiction ENGL6850 Module
Empire and after The Text and the World ENGL7503 Module
Empire, New Nations and Migration ENGL6950 Module
Empire, New Nations and Migration ENGL6960 Module
EN918 Worldly Entanglements: Where is Theory Now? ENGL9180 Module
English & American Literature: Year Abroad 2 ENGL6430 Module
English & American Literature: Year Abroad 1 ENGL6420 Module
English and American Literature Dissertation ENGL7517 Module
English Long Essay ENGL5930 Module
English Long Essay ENGL5940 Module
European Shakespeare ENGL9150 Module
Extremes of Feeling: Literature and Empire inthe Eighteenth Century ENGL8880 Module
Fiction (Paris) ENGL9210 Module
Fiction 1 ENGL7500 Module
Fiction 1 ENGL8910 Module
Fiction 2 ENGL7504 Module
Fiction 2 ENGL8930 Module
From Book to Blog: Geoffrey Chaucer and his Afterlives ENGL6660 Module
From Caxton to Kindle: Hisory of the Book ENGL8960 Module
Global Capitalism and the Novel ENGL7220 Module
Global Modernisms ENGL7505 Module
Global Victorians ENGL8450 Module
Hacks, Dunces and Scribblers: Authorship and the Marketplace in the Eig ENGL8320 Module
Harlem to Hogan's Alley: Black Writing in North America ENGL6670 Module
Heroes and Exiles: An Introduction to Old English Poetry ENGL6560 Module
Holy Lives and Horrid Deaths: Medieval Saints and Their Cults ENGL7240 Module
Ideas & Practice: Introduction to writing poetry and prose ENGL3340 Module
Illness and Disability in American Culture ENGL9000 Module
Image, Vision and Dream: Medieval Texts and Visual Culture ENGL6460 Module
Imagining India ENGL8340 Module
Individual Writing Project ENGL6140 Module
Innovation and Experiment in New York, 1945- 1995 ENGL5880 Module
Interactive and Immersive Fictions ENGL7310 Module
Inventing the American "Indian" in the Eighteenth Century ENGL9080 Module
Jane Austen and Material Culture ENGL8950 Module
Language and Place in Colonial and Postcolonial Poetry ENGL5860 Module
LGBTQ Narratives: Queer Writing from Britain and Ireland ENGL6002 Module
Life Writing ENGL7506 Module
Literary forms ENGL3360 Module
Literary Theory ENGL8890 Module
Literature and Revolution ENGL6620 Module
Literature, Rights, Activism ENGL8002 Module
Lyric, Ballad and Popular Song ENGL6700 Module
Magic, Marvels and Monsters in Medieval Literature ENGL6021 Module
Marlowe vs Shakespeare ENGL6022 Module
Marriage, Desire and Divorce in Early Modern Literature ENGL6690 Module
Marxism, Literature and Culture ENGL7160 Module
Marxism: Theory and Culture ENGL9240 Module
Marxism: Theory and Culture ENGL9140 Module
Medical Humanities; an Introduction ENGL9090 Module
Medieval and Tudor Literature ENGL5550 Module
Men and Women: Modernist Poetry ENGL8710 Module
Metropolis: Writing and Spectacle in Early Modern London ENGL7000 Module
Modernism ENGL6890 Module
Modernism ENGL6900 Module
Modernism ENGL5006 Module
Modernism Nineteenth Century Literature ENGL6410 Module
Modernism and Paris ENGL9040 Module
Modernism and the Avant-Garde ENGL8410 Module
Nabokov and the Literary Imagination ENGL6005 Module
Narrative Theory and Practice ENGL3260 Module
Narrative Theory and Practice ENGL5070 Module
Narratives of Exclusion: Class, Capitalism & Belonging ENGL3000 Module
Native American Literature ENGL6230 Module
Novelty, Enlightenment and Revolution: 18th Century Literature and Cult ENGL6820 Module
Novelty, Enlightenment and Revolution: 18th Century Literature and Culture ENGL6810 Module
Other Americas ENGL8610 Module
Other Worlds: Dystopias and Futures ENGL4001 Module
Other Worlds: Dystopias and Futures ENGL3410 Module
Paris Workshop ENGL9200 Module
Paris: the Residency ENGL8990 Module
Passport to Oblivion: Writing Self into History ENGL6830 Module
Perceptions, Pathologies, Disorders: Reading and Writing Mental Health ENGL7320 Module
Performing Vice, c.1350-1550 ENGL7150 Module
Phenomenology and Literature ENGL9030 Module
Places and Journeys ENGL6550 Module
Poetry ENGL7515 Module
Poetry 1 ENGL8920 Module
Poetry 2 ENGL8940 Module
Poetry and Crisis, from the First World War to Occupy ENGL6870 Module
Poetry Beyond Text: Image, Installation, Performance. ENGL7290 Module
Poetry Theory and Practice ENGL3270 Module
Post-45: American Literature and Culture in the Cold War Era (2015/2016) ENGL8650 Module
Post45 - American Literature in the Cold War Era ENGL7507 Module
Postcolonial Long Essay ENGL5980 Module
Postcolonial Long Essay ENGL5970 Module
Postcolonial Writing ENGL5830 Module
Postcolonial Writing and the Environment ENGL9160 Module
Provocations and Invitations ENGL8720 Module
Psychogeography (Paris) ENGL9190 Module
Queer Enlightenments: Eighteenth Century Narraties of Sex and Gender ENGL8680 Module
Queer Literature ENGL6025 Module
Race and Power ENGL8001 Module
Re-visioning: Twenty-first Century Translation ENGL8380 Module
Reaching Out: Engaging Communities in literature and Creative Writing - EN730 ENGL7300 Module
Reading and Writing Poetry ENGL5490 Module
Reading and Writing Short Fiction ENGL6000 Module
Reading and Writing the Everyday ENGL3400 Module
Reading and Writing The Innovative Contemporary Novel ENGL6320 Module
Reading the Contemporary ENGL8420 Module
Reading Victorian Literature ENGL6720 Module
Reading Victorian Literature ENGL5007 Module
Reading Victorian Literature ENGL6730 Module
Readings in the Twentieth Century ENGL3310 Module
Right/Write to the World: Displacement, Social Movements, Political Action ENGL3450 Module
Right/Write to the World: Displacement, Social Movements, Political Action ENGL5000 Module
Romantic Ecologies: Literature, Environment and Climate Crisis ENGL4004 Module
Romanticism ENGL3330 Module
Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama ENGL6940 Module
Shakespeare: Before and After ENGL5001 Module
The "End of Empire": Post Imperial Writing in Britain ENGL7260 Module
The 'Real' America: Class and Culture in the American Gilded Age ENGL7030 Module
The Avant-Garde Sonnet ENGL6880 Module
The Awkward Age: Transatlantic Culture and Literature in Transition, 1880 -1920 ENGL8660 Module
The Book Project ENGL6630 Module
The British Novel in the 1860s: Sensing Modern Life ENGL7070 Module
The Brontes in Context ENGL6570 Module
The Contemporary ENGL6780 Module
The Contemporary ENGL5008 Module
The Contemporary ENGL6770 Module
The Contemporary Memoir ENGL7050 Module
The Creative Writing Magazine ENGL9010 Module
The End of Empire: Post-Imperial Writing in Britain ENGL6017 Module
The Global Eighteenth Century ENGL7010 Module
The Gothic: Origins and Exhumations ENGL6029 Module
The Gothic: Origins and Exhumations, 1800 to the Present ENGL7230 Module
The Graphic Novel ENGL7170 Module
The Limits of Fiction: American Narrative in the Age of Postmodernism ENGL8400 Module
The Literary Landscape ENGL7508 Module
The Literature of Terror, 1850-1914 ENGL6470 Module
The Love Poem: Wyatt to Nick Cave ENGL7060 Module
The Magical Realist Novel ENGL6800 Module
The New Women: 1880-1920 ENGL7130 Module
The Novel from Defoe to Mantel ENGL8003 Module
The Novel from Defoe to the Contemporary ENGL7509 Module
The Project ENGL6010 Module
The Project (English) ENGL6001 Module
The Stranger ENGL6610 Module
The Unknown: Reading and Writing ENGL6040 Module
The Unknown: Reading and Writing Creative Non-Fiction and Autofiction ENGL6032 Module
The Verbal and the Visual: Dialogues Between Literature, Film, Art and Philosophy (Canterbury) ENGL8004 Module
The Verbal and the Visual: Dialogues between literature, film, art and philosophy (Paris) ENGL8670 Module
The Verbal and the Visual: Dialogues between Theory, Literature, Art and Film ENGL7510 Module
Thinking Through Theory (Spring) ENGL3370 Module
Thomas Hardy ENGL7020 Module
Translation, Variation, Adaptation ENGL7511 Module
Unruly Women and Other Insubordinates: the dramatic repertoire of the Q ENGL6370 Module
Utopia ENGL7140 Module
Utter Lyric ENGL6102 Module
Victorian Aestheticism and Decadence ENGL7100 Module
Victorian Sustainability ENGL9020 Module
Virginia Woolf ENGL7080 Module
When Novels Were Novel: Eighteenth-Century Literature ENGL5009 Module
Working as a Writer ENGL7512 Module
Workshop ENGL7513 Module
World Literatures in English ENGL5002 Module
Wrestling with Angels: Writing the Prose Poem ENGL6640 Module
Writing America ENGL3320 Module
Writing and the Environment ENGL8390 Module
Writing Climate Crises: Encounters with the Anthropocene ENGL8007 Module
Writing Fiction ENGL5101 Module
Writing Fiction: Tradition and Context ENGL6790 Module
Writing Innovative and Avant-Garde Poetries ENGL6860 Module
Writing Lives in Early Modern England: Diaries, Letters and Secret Selv ENGL6600 Module
Writing of Empire and Settlement ENGL8550 Module
Writing Poetry Using Traditional Forms ENGL6740 Module
Writing Television Drama ENGL9230 Module
Writing the Past: Approaches to the Historical Novel ENGL6710 Module
Writing the Self and Others: Biography and Autobiography - ENGL9100 Module
Writing the Self in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Literary Cultures ENGL7514 Module
Writing Violence: The 20th Century, The Holocaust & the Ethics of Repre ENGL6930 Module
Year in Industry ENGL6035 Module
Year in Industry Report ENGL6034 Module

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