Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
'Black Girl Magic': Contemporary Feminisms |
ENGL3440 |
Module |
A Knight's Tale |
ENGL7280 |
Module |
A Throw of the Dice: Gambling, Gaming & Fiction |
ENGL6910 |
Module |
A Woman's Tale: Writing Female Identity and Experience in Medieval Europe |
ENGL7250 |
Module |
Activism and Adaptation |
ENGL7501 |
Module |
Advanced Critical Reading |
ENGL8970 |
Module |
Advanced Research and Theory |
ENGL7502 |
Module |
Adventures in Criticism |
ENGL4002 |
Module |
Affect in Contemporary American Literature |
ENGL9120 |
Module |
American Crime Fiction |
ENGL6580 |
Module |
American Crime Fiction |
ENGL6012 |
Module |
American Culture and Conflict |
ENGL9130 |
Module |
American Literature and Culture Dissertation |
ENGL9110 |
Module |
American Modernism 1900-1930 (Teaching Period I) |
ENGL8180 |
Module |
American Modernities: US Literature 1930 to the Present |
ENGL5003 |
Module |
American Modernities: US Literature in the 20th Century |
ENGL7210 |
Module |
American Power, American Protest |
ENGL4005 |
Module |
American Power, American Protest |
ENGL3420 |
Module |
Animals, Humans, Writing |
ENGL6013 |
Module |
Animals, Humans, Writing |
ENGL7090 |
Module |
Approaching Poetry |
ENGL5100 |
Module |
Becoming a Writer |
ENGL4100 |
Module |
Becoming America: From Poe to The Great Gatsby |
ENGL5004 |
Module |
Beginning to Write a Novel |
ENGL6100 |
Module |
Black Literature Matters: Race & Representation in North America |
ENGL6231 |
Module |
Bodies of Evidence: Reading The Body In Eighteenth Century Literature |
ENGL6330 |
Module |
Body and Place in the Postcolonial Text |
ENGL8570 |
Module |
Books that Shaped Culture: An Introduction to Literature |
ENGL3350 |
Module |
Centres and Edges: Modernist and Postcolonial Quest Literature |
ENGL6015 |
Module |
Centres and Edges: Modernist and Postcolonial Quest Literature (2023/2024) |
ENGL6004 |
Module |
Centres and Edges: Modernist and PostcolonialQuest Literature |
ENGL8500 |
Module |
Changing Literatures: From Chaucer to the Contemporary |
ENGL4000 |
Module |
Charles Dickens and Victorian England |
ENGL5800 |
Module |
Chaucer and Late Medieval English Literature |
ENGL6970 |
Module |
Class: Narratives of Exclusion and Belonging |
ENGL4007 |
Module |
Clouds, Waves & Crows: Writing the Natural, 1800 to the Present |
ENGL6840 |
Module |
contemporary British and Irish Poetry |
ENGL7120 |
Module |
Contemporary Irish Writing |
ENGL6590 |
Module |
Contemporary Postcolonial Writing |
ENGL8580 |
Module |
Contemporary Struggles |
ENGL9070 |
Module |
Cosmopolitan Wilde: Writings from Dublin, London and Paris (Paris) |
ENGL8640 |
Module |
Creative and Critical Conversations |
ENGL4003 |
Module |
Creative Writing |
ENGL8120 |
Module |
Creative Writing Foundations (Spring) |
ENGL3390 |
Module |
Creative Writing Long Project |
ENGL7190 |
Module |
Creative Writing Long Project |
ENGL7180 |
Module |
Critical Race Theory |
ENGL8030 |
Module |
Cross-Cultural Coming-of-Age Narratives |
ENGL6760 |
Module |
Declaring Independence: 19th Century US Literature |
ENGL6750 |
Module |
Desire and Loss in Victorian Poetry and Prose |
ENGL8370 |
Module |
Diaspora and Exile (Paris) |
ENGL9060 |
Module |
Dickens and the Condition of England |
ENGL8760 |
Module |
Dickens and the Material Culture of the Victorian Novel |
ENGL8360 |
Module |
Dickens, The Victorians and the Body |
ENGL8350 |
Module |
Discord and Devotion: Society & Spirituality in Middle English Literature |
ENGL7040 |
Module |
Discourses on Empire |
ENGL8520 |
Module |
Discovery Space: New Theatres in Early Modern England |
ENGL6680 |
Module |
Dissertation: Creative Writing |
ENGL9970 |
Module |
Dissertation: Creative Writing |
ENGL9971 |
Module |
Dissertation:GPMS |
ENGL9980 |
Module |
Early Drama |
ENGL3020 |
Module |
Early Modern Literature 1500-1700 |
ENGL6920 |
Module |
Early Shakespeare |
ENGL7270 |
Module |
Elements of Fiction |
ENGL6850 |
Module |
Empire and after The Text and the World |
ENGL7503 |
Module |
Empire, New Nations and Migration |
ENGL6950 |
Module |
Empire, New Nations and Migration |
ENGL6960 |
Module |
EN918 Worldly Entanglements: Where is Theory Now? |
ENGL9180 |
Module |
English & American Literature: Year Abroad 2 |
ENGL6430 |
Module |
English & American Literature: Year Abroad 1 |
ENGL6420 |
Module |
English and American Literature Dissertation |
ENGL7517 |
Module |
English Long Essay |
ENGL5930 |
Module |
English Long Essay |
ENGL5940 |
Module |
European Shakespeare |
ENGL9150 |
Module |
Extremes of Feeling: Literature and Empire inthe Eighteenth Century |
ENGL8880 |
Module |
Fiction (Paris) |
ENGL9210 |
Module |
Fiction 1 |
ENGL7500 |
Module |
Fiction 1 |
ENGL8910 |
Module |
Fiction 2 |
ENGL7504 |
Module |
Fiction 2 |
ENGL8930 |
Module |
From Book to Blog: Geoffrey Chaucer and his Afterlives |
ENGL6660 |
Module |
From Caxton to Kindle: Hisory of the Book |
ENGL8960 |
Module |
Global Capitalism and the Novel |
ENGL7220 |
Module |
Global Modernisms |
ENGL7505 |
Module |
Global Victorians |
ENGL8450 |
Module |
Hacks, Dunces and Scribblers: Authorship and the Marketplace in the Eig |
ENGL8320 |
Module |
Harlem to Hogan's Alley: Black Writing in North America |
ENGL6670 |
Module |
Heroes and Exiles: An Introduction to Old English Poetry |
ENGL6560 |
Module |
Holy Lives and Horrid Deaths: Medieval Saints and Their Cults |
ENGL7240 |
Module |
Ideas & Practice: Introduction to writing poetry and prose |
ENGL3340 |
Module |
Illness and Disability in American Culture |
ENGL9000 |
Module |
Image, Vision and Dream: Medieval Texts and Visual Culture |
ENGL6460 |
Module |
Imagining India |
ENGL8340 |
Module |
Individual Writing Project |
ENGL6140 |
Module |
Innovation and Experiment in New York, 1945- 1995 |
ENGL5880 |
Module |
Interactive and Immersive Fictions |
ENGL7310 |
Module |
Inventing the American "Indian" in the Eighteenth Century |
ENGL9080 |
Module |
Jane Austen and Material Culture |
ENGL8950 |
Module |
Language and Place in Colonial and Postcolonial Poetry |
ENGL5860 |
Module |
LGBTQ Narratives: Queer Writing from Britain and Ireland |
ENGL6002 |
Module |
Life Writing |
ENGL7506 |
Module |
Literary forms |
ENGL3360 |
Module |
Literary Theory |
ENGL8890 |
Module |
Literature and Revolution |
ENGL6620 |
Module |
Literature, Rights, Activism |
ENGL8002 |
Module |
Lyric, Ballad and Popular Song |
ENGL6700 |
Module |
Magic, Marvels and Monsters in Medieval Literature |
ENGL6021 |
Module |
Marlowe vs Shakespeare |
ENGL6022 |
Module |
Marriage, Desire and Divorce in Early Modern Literature |
ENGL6690 |
Module |
Marxism, Literature and Culture |
ENGL7160 |
Module |
Marxism: Theory and Culture |
ENGL9240 |
Module |
Marxism: Theory and Culture |
ENGL9140 |
Module |
Medical Humanities; an Introduction |
ENGL9090 |
Module |
Medieval and Tudor Literature |
ENGL5550 |
Module |
Men and Women: Modernist Poetry |
ENGL8710 |
Module |
Metropolis: Writing and Spectacle in Early Modern London |
ENGL7000 |
Module |
Modernism |
ENGL6890 |
Module |
Modernism |
ENGL6900 |
Module |
Modernism |
ENGL5006 |
Module |
Modernism Nineteenth Century Literature |
ENGL6410 |
Module |
Modernism and Paris |
ENGL9040 |
Module |
Modernism and the Avant-Garde |
ENGL8410 |
Module |
Nabokov and the Literary Imagination |
ENGL6005 |
Module |
Narrative Theory and Practice |
ENGL3260 |
Module |
Narrative Theory and Practice |
ENGL5070 |
Module |
Narratives of Exclusion: Class, Capitalism & Belonging |
ENGL3000 |
Module |
Native American Literature |
ENGL6230 |
Module |
Novelty, Enlightenment and Revolution: 18th Century Literature and Cult |
ENGL6820 |
Module |
Novelty, Enlightenment and Revolution: 18th Century Literature and Culture |
ENGL6810 |
Module |
Other Americas |
ENGL8610 |
Module |
Other Worlds: Dystopias and Futures |
ENGL4001 |
Module |
Other Worlds: Dystopias and Futures |
ENGL3410 |
Module |
Paris Workshop |
ENGL9200 |
Module |
Paris: the Residency |
ENGL8990 |
Module |
Passport to Oblivion: Writing Self into History |
ENGL6830 |
Module |
Perceptions, Pathologies, Disorders: Reading and Writing Mental Health |
ENGL7320 |
Module |
Performing Vice, c.1350-1550 |
ENGL7150 |
Module |
Phenomenology and Literature |
ENGL9030 |
Module |
Places and Journeys |
ENGL6550 |
Module |
Poetry |
ENGL7515 |
Module |
Poetry 1 |
ENGL8920 |
Module |
Poetry 2 |
ENGL8940 |
Module |
Poetry and Crisis, from the First World War to Occupy |
ENGL6870 |
Module |
Poetry Beyond Text: Image, Installation, Performance. |
ENGL7290 |
Module |
Poetry Theory and Practice |
ENGL3270 |
Module |
Post-45: American Literature and Culture in the Cold War Era (2015/2016) |
ENGL8650 |
Module |
Post45 - American Literature in the Cold War Era |
ENGL7507 |
Module |
Postcolonial Long Essay |
ENGL5980 |
Module |
Postcolonial Long Essay |
ENGL5970 |
Module |
Postcolonial Writing |
ENGL5830 |
Module |
Postcolonial Writing and the Environment |
ENGL9160 |
Module |
Provocations and Invitations |
ENGL8720 |
Module |
Psychogeography (Paris) |
ENGL9190 |
Module |
Queer Enlightenments: Eighteenth Century Narraties of Sex and Gender |
ENGL8680 |
Module |
Queer Literature |
ENGL6025 |
Module |
Race and Power |
ENGL8001 |
Module |
Re-visioning: Twenty-first Century Translation |
ENGL8380 |
Module |
Reaching Out: Engaging Communities in literature and Creative Writing - EN730 |
ENGL7300 |
Module |
Reading and Writing Poetry |
ENGL5490 |
Module |
Reading and Writing Short Fiction |
ENGL6000 |
Module |
Reading and Writing the Everyday |
ENGL3400 |
Module |
Reading and Writing The Innovative Contemporary Novel |
ENGL6320 |
Module |
Reading the Contemporary |
ENGL8420 |
Module |
Reading Victorian Literature |
ENGL6720 |
Module |
Reading Victorian Literature |
ENGL5007 |
Module |
Reading Victorian Literature |
ENGL6730 |
Module |
Readings in the Twentieth Century |
ENGL3310 |
Module |
Right/Write to the World: Displacement, Social Movements, Political Action |
ENGL3450 |
Module |
Right/Write to the World: Displacement, Social Movements, Political Action |
ENGL5000 |
Module |
Romantic Ecologies: Literature, Environment and Climate Crisis |
ENGL4004 |
Module |
Romanticism |
ENGL3330 |
Module |
Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama |
ENGL6940 |
Module |
Shakespeare: Before and After |
ENGL5001 |
Module |
The "End of Empire": Post Imperial Writing in Britain |
ENGL7260 |
Module |
The 'Real' America: Class and Culture in the American Gilded Age |
ENGL7030 |
Module |
The Avant-Garde Sonnet |
ENGL6880 |
Module |
The Awkward Age: Transatlantic Culture and Literature in Transition, 1880 -1920 |
ENGL8660 |
Module |
The Book Project |
ENGL6630 |
Module |
The British Novel in the 1860s: Sensing Modern Life |
ENGL7070 |
Module |
The Brontes in Context |
ENGL6570 |
Module |
The Contemporary |
ENGL6780 |
Module |
The Contemporary |
ENGL5008 |
Module |
The Contemporary |
ENGL6770 |
Module |
The Contemporary Memoir |
ENGL7050 |
Module |
The Creative Writing Magazine |
ENGL9010 |
Module |
The End of Empire: Post-Imperial Writing in Britain |
ENGL6017 |
Module |
The Global Eighteenth Century |
ENGL7010 |
Module |
The Gothic: Origins and Exhumations |
ENGL6029 |
Module |
The Gothic: Origins and Exhumations, 1800 to the Present |
ENGL7230 |
Module |
The Graphic Novel |
ENGL7170 |
Module |
The Limits of Fiction: American Narrative in the Age of Postmodernism |
ENGL8400 |
Module |
The Literary Landscape |
ENGL7508 |
Module |
The Literature of Terror, 1850-1914 |
ENGL6470 |
Module |
The Love Poem: Wyatt to Nick Cave |
ENGL7060 |
Module |
The Magical Realist Novel |
ENGL6800 |
Module |
The New Women: 1880-1920 |
ENGL7130 |
Module |
The Novel from Defoe to Mantel |
ENGL8003 |
Module |
The Novel from Defoe to the Contemporary |
ENGL7509 |
Module |
The Project |
ENGL6010 |
Module |
The Project (English) |
ENGL6001 |
Module |
The Stranger |
ENGL6610 |
Module |
The Unknown: Reading and Writing |
ENGL6040 |
Module |
The Unknown: Reading and Writing Creative Non-Fiction and Autofiction |
ENGL6032 |
Module |
The Verbal and the Visual: Dialogues Between Literature, Film, Art and Philosophy (Canterbury) |
ENGL8004 |
Module |
The Verbal and the Visual: Dialogues between literature, film, art and philosophy (Paris) |
ENGL8670 |
Module |
The Verbal and the Visual: Dialogues between Theory, Literature, Art and Film |
ENGL7510 |
Module |
Thinking Through Theory (Spring) |
ENGL3370 |
Module |
Thomas Hardy |
ENGL7020 |
Module |
Translation, Variation, Adaptation |
ENGL7511 |
Module |
Unruly Women and Other Insubordinates: the dramatic repertoire of the Q |
ENGL6370 |
Module |
Utopia |
ENGL7140 |
Module |
Utter Lyric |
ENGL6102 |
Module |
Victorian Aestheticism and Decadence |
ENGL7100 |
Module |
Victorian Sustainability |
ENGL9020 |
Module |
Virginia Woolf |
ENGL7080 |
Module |
When Novels Were Novel: Eighteenth-Century Literature |
ENGL5009 |
Module |
Working as a Writer |
ENGL7512 |
Module |
Workshop |
ENGL7513 |
Module |
World Literatures in English |
ENGL5002 |
Module |
Wrestling with Angels: Writing the Prose Poem |
ENGL6640 |
Module |
Writing America |
ENGL3320 |
Module |
Writing and the Environment |
ENGL8390 |
Module |
Writing Climate Crises: Encounters with the Anthropocene |
ENGL8007 |
Module |
Writing Fiction |
ENGL5101 |
Module |
Writing Fiction: Tradition and Context |
ENGL6790 |
Module |
Writing Innovative and Avant-Garde Poetries |
ENGL6860 |
Module |
Writing Lives in Early Modern England: Diaries, Letters and Secret Selv |
ENGL6600 |
Module |
Writing of Empire and Settlement |
ENGL8550 |
Module |
Writing Poetry Using Traditional Forms |
ENGL6740 |
Module |
Writing Television Drama |
ENGL9230 |
Module |
Writing the Past: Approaches to the Historical Novel |
ENGL6710 |
Module |
Writing the Self and Others: Biography and Autobiography - |
ENGL9100 |
Module |
Writing the Self in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Literary Cultures |
ENGL7514 |
Module |
Writing Violence: The 20th Century, The Holocaust & the Ethics of Repre |
ENGL6930 |
Module |
Year in Industry |
ENGL6035 |
Module |
Year in Industry Report |
ENGL6034 |
Module |