Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Acting |
DRAM5490 |
Module |
Acting |
DRAM5007 |
Module |
Acting and Performance Training |
DRAM7000 |
Module |
Acting Shakespeare |
DRAM6002 |
Module |
Advanced Film Theory |
FILM8120 |
Module |
Advanced Screenwriting |
FILM7003 |
Module |
Advanced Topics in Film Studies |
FILM7007 |
Module |
American Performance |
DRAM5760 |
Module |
Analysing Film |
FILM7000 |
Module |
Ancient Greek Theatre |
DRAM3470 |
Module |
Animated Worlds |
FILM5730 |
Module |
Applied Performance - Company Performance Project |
DRAM8610 |
Module |
Applied Performance Outreach Project |
DRAM8650 |
Module |
Applied Performance-Placement Module |
DRAM8780 |
Module |
Applied Performance: Placement |
DRAM8660 |
Module |
Applied Performance:Research Portfolio |
DRAM8590 |
Module |
Applied Theatre |
DRAM6480 |
Module |
Approaches to Shakespeare |
DRAM8730 |
Module |
Arts Criticism Portfolio of Written Work |
ARTS8010 |
Module |
Arts Funding and Policy: Making it Happen |
ARTS5260 |
Module |
Arts Internship |
ARTS5010 |
Module |
Avant Garde and Experimental Cinema |
FILM5060 |
Module |
Avant-Garde and Experimental Cinema |
FILM6060 |
Module |
Behind the Performer (SPR) |
DRAM3430 |
Module |
Beyond Cinema |
FILM6240 |
Module |
Beyond Cinema |
FILM6230 |
Module |
British Theatre 1860-1940 (Canterbury, week 1-13) |
DRAM5750 |
Module |
Case Study in World Cinema |
FILM5830 |
Module |
Cinema and Technology |
FILM8160 |
Module |
Cinematography |
FILM5006 |
Module |
Cognition and Emotion |
FILM5770 |
Module |
Cognition and Emotion |
FILM5980 |
Module |
Community & Participatory Performance |
DRAM6003 |
Module |
Conceptualising Film |
FILM8110 |
Module |
Conceptualising Film |
FILM7004 |
Module |
Contemporary Performance Practice 4: Professional Study |
DRAM8810 |
Module |
Contemporary Performance Practice Mark 1 |
DRAM8670 |
Module |
Contemporary Performance Practice Mark 3 |
DRAM8330 |
Module |
Contemporary Performance Practice Mark 4 |
DRAM8340 |
Module |
Costume and Fashion |
ARTS5030 |
Module |
Creative Careers |
DRAM5004 |
Module |
Creative Festival |
DRAM7004 |
Module |
Creative Producing and Dramaturgy |
DRAM8530 |
Module |
Creative Producing Proposal |
DRAM8820 |
Module |
Creative Producing: Individual Idea and Implementation |
DRAM8560 |
Module |
Creative Producing: Group Company Presentation, Industry Awareness Plac Creative Producing: Individual Idea and Implementation |
DRAM8520 |
Module |
Creative Project |
DRAM6005 |
Module |
Creative Project |
DRAM6780 |
Module |
Cultural Policies in the British Theatre |
DRAM6290 |
Module |
Dance & Discourse: Dramaturgies of Moving Bodies |
DRAM6350 |
Module |
Digital Domains |
FILM6040 |
Module |
Digital Domains |
FILM5690 |
Module |
Directing 1: Rehearsal Processes |
DRAM8230 |
Module |
Directing Theatre, Staging Ideas |
DRAM6001 |
Module |
Directing: Histories and Practices |
DRAM8250 |
Module |
Directing: Production Project |
DRAM8240 |
Module |
Director's Proposal |
DRAM8840 |
Module |
Directors' Theatre: The History of Staging Plays |
DRAM3410 |
Module |
Disability and the Arts |
ARTS5220 |
Module |
Dissertation |
DRAM7006 |
Module |
Dissertation by Film Practice |
FILM8990 |
Module |
Dissertation:GPMS |
FILM9980 |
Module |
Documentary Film |
FILM6020 |
Module |
Documentary Filmmaking |
FILM5003 |
Module |
Documentary Filmmaking |
FILM6300 |
Module |
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 1 |
DRAM5510 |
Module |
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 2 |
DRAM5520 |
Module |
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 3 |
DRAM5530 |
Module |
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 4 |
DRAM5540 |
Module |
Drama and Theatre Dissertation Project: (MA-T) |
DRAM9950 |
Module |
Dramaturgical Practice |
DRAM7001 |
Module |
Encountering Kent |
ARTS3050 |
Module |
English Theatre: Restoration to Victoria |
DRAM6110 |
Module |
Ensemble Devising and Performance |
DRAM8001 |
Module |
Ensemble Work (2017/2018) |
DRAM8320 |
Module |
Ensemble, Devising and Performance |
DRAM8920 |
Module |
European Naturalist Theatre & Its Legacy |
DRAM6090 |
Module |
European Theatre from 1945 |
DRAM6690 |
Module |
European Theatre: Landscapes and Dramaturgies |
DRAM9000 |
Module |
European Theatre:Landscapes and Dramaturgies |
DRAM8900 |
Module |
Explorations in Theatre Practice |
DRAM6580 |
Module |
Extreme Cinema |
FILM5870 |
Module |
Facilitation and Community Practice |
DRAM7003 |
Module |
FI631 Genre Filmmaking |
FILM6310 |
Module |
Film & TV Adaptation |
FILM6003 |
Module |
Film and Media Practice 1 |
FILM4000 |
Module |
Film and Modernity |
FILM8150 |
Module |
Film and Modernity (Paris) |
FILM8210 |
Module |
Film and Television Adaptation |
FILM6120 |
Module |
Film and Television Adaptation |
FILM5680 |
Module |
Film Authorship |
FILM5940 |
Module |
Film Authorship |
FILM6080 |
Module |
Film Criticism |
FILM8170 |
Module |
Film Criticism |
FILM5850 |
Module |
Film Criticism |
FILM6004 |
Module |
Film Dissertation |
FILM7009 |
Module |
Film Editing |
FILM6280 |
Module |
Film Editing |
FILM4003 |
Module |
Film Form |
FILM3130 |
Module |
Film Genre |
FILM5004 |
Module |
Film Genre (Horror) |
FILM5950 |
Module |
Film Histories |
FILM4004 |
Module |
Film Histories |
FILM3160 |
Module |
Film History |
FILM8130 |
Module |
Film History: Research Methods in Paris (Paris) |
FILM8240 |
Module |
Film Marketing and Distribution |
FILM6370 |
Module |
Film Marketing and Distribution |
FILM6005 |
Module |
Film Programming |
FILM6330 |
Module |
Film Research Methods |
FILM7001 |
Module |
Film Studies: Innovation and Writing |
FILM8260 |
Module |
Film Style |
FILM4001 |
Module |
Film Theory |
FILM4002 |
Module |
Film, Politics and Identity |
FILM6006 |
Module |
Film, Politics and Identity |
FILM6350 |
Module |
FILM8250 Analysing Film |
FILM8250 |
Module |
Filmmaking 1: Key Skills |
FILM8190 |
Module |
Filmmaking 1: Key Skills and Fiction |
FILM7002 |
Module |
Filmmaking 2: Project Development |
FILM7006 |
Module |
Final Creative Project |
FILM7010 |
Module |
Genre Filmmaking |
FILM5000 |
Module |
History of British Cinema |
FILM5650 |
Module |
History of British Cinema |
FILM6170 |
Module |
History of Comedy on Stage and Screen |
DRAM3420 |
Module |
Hollywood Studio System |
FILM3140 |
Module |
Hollywood Studios |
FILM5001 |
Module |
Images of War and Violence |
FILM6190 |
Module |
Images of War and Violence |
FILM6200 |
Module |
Improvisation For Screen |
FILM5900 |
Module |
Independent Project |
ARTS5000 |
Module |
Independent Project Development |
FILM8200 |
Module |
Industry Placement (Drama) |
DRAM6770 |
Module |
Industry Study |
DRAM7005 |
Module |
Innovation and Writing |
FILM7008 |
Module |
Introduction to Film Making |
FILM3090 |
Module |
Introduction to Film Theory |
FILM5910 |
Module |
Introduction to Film Theory |
FILM3150 |
Module |
Introduction to Filmmaking |
FILM3080 |
Module |
Introduction to Mask |
DRAM3400 |
Module |
Introduction to Musical Theatre Dance |
DRAM6840 |
Module |
Introduction to Musical Theatre Dance |
DRAM5005 |
Module |
Introduction to Screen Writing |
FILM5550 |
Module |
Introduction to Screenwriting |
FILM6180 |
Module |
Introduction to Stand Up |
DRAM6760 |
Module |
Making Performance 1: The Fundamentals |
DRAM4000 |
Module |
Making Performance 2: Staging Texts |
DRAM4001 |
Module |
Making Performance 3: The Festival |
DRAM4002 |
Module |
Microbudget Filmmaking |
FILM6007 |
Module |
Microbudget Filmmaking: Fiction |
FILM6250 |
Module |
Mise en Scene: Aesthetics and Dramaturgies of European Theatre |
DRAM9010 |
Module |
Mobile Filmmaking |
FILM6260 |
Module |
Modern Theatre: A Theoretical Landscape Texts for Theatre Performance Skills Performance Skills (JH) Theatre Workshop British Theatre 1945-2005 Period II: Drama and Society in the Age of Shakespeare Drama Dissertation Performance: The.. |
DRAM3150 |
Module |
Moving Image Development |
FILM6100 |
Module |
Moving Image Production |
FILM5670 |
Module |
Moving Image Production |
FILM6090 |
Module |
Musical Theatre Dance 2 |
DRAM6860 |
Module |
National and Transnational Cinema |
FILM6140 |
Module |
New Directions |
DRAM5920 |
Module |
New York & The Movies |
FILM6110 |
Module |
New York and the Movies |
FILM5820 |
Module |
Performance and Art: Intermediality from Wagner to the Virtuals |
DRAM6740 |
Module |
Performance Contexts |
DRAM7002 |
Module |
Performance Design and Technologies |
DRAM5001 |
Module |
Performance Skills |
DRAM4005 |
Module |
Performance Skills (JH) |
DRAM3240 |
Module |
Performance: The Seminar |
DRAM5480 |
Module |
Performing Classical Texts |
DRAM6590 |
Module |
Performing Lives: Theory & Practice of Autobiographical Theatre |
DRAM6100 |
Module |
Photography in Paris: History and Theory (Paris) |
FILM8230 |
Module |
Physical and Vocal Training for Actors |
DRAM8000 |
Module |
Physical Theatre 1 |
DRAM6630 |
Module |
Physical Theatre II |
DRAM6640 |
Module |
Physical Theatre — Ensemble Devising |
DRAM6000 |
Module |
Playwriting I: For Beginners |
DRAM6190 |
Module |
Popular Performance |
DRAM5940 |
Module |
Popular Performance and Citizenship |
DRAM4003 |
Module |
Popular Performance: Alternative Cabaret |
DRAM5002 |
Module |
Popular Performance: Pubs, clubs and citizenship |
DRAM3460 |
Module |
Post War European Cinema |
FILM6160 |
Module |
Post War European Cinema |
FILM5370 |
Module |
Postwar American Cinema |
FILM5310 |
Module |
Postwar European Film |
FILM5930 |
Module |
Production |
DRAM3350 |
Module |
Production Dramaturgy |
DRAM8620 |
Module |
Production Project |
DRAM8750 |
Module |
Psychology of the Arts |
ARTS5200 |
Module |
Pulp Film: the Avant-garde and Popular Cinema |
FILM5700 |
Module |
Puppet and Object Theatre |
DRAM6710 |
Module |
Puppet and Object Theatre |
DRAM3450 |
Module |
Puppet and Object Theatre |
DRAM4004 |
Module |
Representing Actuality |
FILM5860 |
Module |
Scenography in Performance |
DRAM8850 |
Module |
Scenography: Practice and Theory |
DRAM5720 |
Module |
Screen Space and Location Scouting |
FILM6008 |
Module |
Screen Space: Production Design and Location Scouting |
FILM6360 |
Module |
Screening Histories |
FILM8220 |
Module |
Screenwriting |
FILM5002 |
Module |
Sex gender and Performance, Beyond the Binary |
DRAM6870 |
Module |
Shakespeare at the Globe |
DRAM8770 |
Module |
Shakespeare on Stage and Screen |
DRAM8740 |
Module |
Shakespeare's Theatre |
DRAM6120 |
Module |
Site Specific Performance |
DRAM6670 |
Module |
Social Media and Participatory Culture |
ARTS5250 |
Module |
Solo Acting:Composition and Performance |
DRAM8950 |
Module |
Sound and Cinema |
FILM6030 |
Module |
Sound and Cinema |
FILM5590 |
Module |
Sound, Music, and Cinema |
FILM5005 |
Module |
Specialist Areas in Film Studies |
FILM6009 |
Module |
Stagecraft |
DRAM3340 |
Module |
Stand-up Comedy |
DRAM6004 |
Module |
Stand-Up Comedy 2: Showcase Project |
DRAM8640 |
Module |
Stand-Up Comedy Mark 1 |
DRAM8150 |
Module |
Stand-Up Comedy Mark 3 |
DRAM8170 |
Module |
Stand-Up Comedy Mark 4 |
DRAM8180 |
Module |
Stand-Up Comedy: Reflect and Perfect |
DRAM8830 |
Module |
Stars and Celebrity Culture |
FILM6340 |
Module |
Storytelling and Cinema |
FILM6070 |
Module |
Storytelling and the Cinema |
FILM5270 |
Module |
Teaching Shakespeare |
DRAM8760 |
Module |
Television Series: Narration, Engagement and Evaluation |
FILM6210 |
Module |
Television Series: Narration, Engagement and Evaluation |
FILM6220 |
Module |
Texts for Theatre |
DRAM3170 |
Module |
The Art of Portraiture: Historical and Philosophical Approaches |
FILM8180 |
Module |
The Documentary Film |
FILM5010 |
Module |
The Empty Space |
DRAM3370 |
Module |
The Empty Space 1 |
DRAM3380 |
Module |
The Empty Spaces 2 |
DRAM3390 |
Module |
The Gothic in Film |
FILM5840 |
Module |
The Gothic in Film |
FILM5990 |
Module |
The Shakespeare Effect |
DRAM6360 |
Module |
Theatre and Adaptation |
DRAM5003 |
Module |
Theatre and Adaptation |
DRAM6850 |
Module |
Theatre and Adaptation |
DRAM6800 |
Module |
Theatre and Audiences |
DRAM9030 |
Module |
Theatre and Ideas |
DRAM6830 |
Module |
Theatre and Music |
DRAM6820 |
Module |
Theatre Criticism |
DRAM8720 |
Module |
Theatre Dramaturgy: Dissertation |
DRAM9960 |
Module |
Theatre Practices: Professional Research and Study |
DRAM8990 |
Module |
Theatre Skills |
DRAM3360 |
Module |
Theatres of the Past 1: the Classics |
DRAM6730 |
Module |
Theatres of the Past 2: The Moderns |
DRAM6810 |
Module |
Theatres of the Past 2: the Moderns |
DRAM6750 |
Module |
Thinking Theatre: Theories and Aesthetics of Performance |
DRAM8790 |
Module |
Thinking Theatre:Theories and Aesthetics of Performance |
DRAM8940 |
Module |
Topics in American Cinema II |
FILM6130 |
Module |
Transatlantic Dialogues: British and Modern Art c. 1900-1970 |
FILM6150 |
Module |
Transgressive Women |
FILM5081 |
Module |
Transnational Cinema |
FILM8140 |
Module |
TV: From Soap Operas to Sitcoms |
FILM6320 |
Module |
TV: From Soap Operas to Sitcoms |
ARTS5120 |
Module |
Visual Arts and Digital Media Writing |
ARTS5270 |
Module |
Work Placement - Drama |
DRAM6790 |
Module |
Working with Actors (SPR) |
FILM6290 |
Module |
World Cinema |
FILM5007 |
Module |
World Cinema History |
FILM7005 |
Module |
Writing for Performance |
DRAM5000 |
Module |
Writing for Performance |
DRAM5006 |
Module |