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Acting DRAM5490 Module
Acting DRAM5007 Module
Acting and Performance Training DRAM7000 Module
Acting Shakespeare DRAM6002 Module
Advanced Film Theory FILM8120 Module
Advanced Screenwriting FILM7003 Module
Advanced Topics in Film Studies FILM7007 Module
American Performance DRAM5760 Module
Analysing Film FILM7000 Module
Ancient Greek Theatre DRAM3470 Module
Animated Worlds FILM5730 Module
Applied Performance - Company Performance Project DRAM8610 Module
Applied Performance Outreach Project DRAM8650 Module
Applied Performance-Placement Module DRAM8780 Module
Applied Performance: Placement DRAM8660 Module
Applied Performance:Research Portfolio DRAM8590 Module
Applied Theatre DRAM6480 Module
Approaches to Shakespeare DRAM8730 Module
Arts Criticism Portfolio of Written Work ARTS8010 Module
Arts Funding and Policy: Making it Happen ARTS5260 Module
Arts Internship ARTS5010 Module
Avant Garde and Experimental Cinema FILM5060 Module
Avant-Garde and Experimental Cinema FILM6060 Module
Behind the Performer (SPR) DRAM3430 Module
Beyond Cinema FILM6240 Module
Beyond Cinema FILM6230 Module
British Theatre 1860-1940 (Canterbury, week 1-13) DRAM5750 Module
Case Study in World Cinema FILM5830 Module
Cinema and Technology FILM8160 Module
Cinematography FILM5006 Module
Cognition and Emotion FILM5770 Module
Cognition and Emotion FILM5980 Module
Community & Participatory Performance DRAM6003 Module
Conceptualising Film FILM8110 Module
Conceptualising Film FILM7004 Module
Contemporary Performance Practice 4: Professional Study DRAM8810 Module
Contemporary Performance Practice Mark 1 DRAM8670 Module
Contemporary Performance Practice Mark 3 DRAM8330 Module
Contemporary Performance Practice Mark 4 DRAM8340 Module
Costume and Fashion ARTS5030 Module
Creative Careers DRAM5004 Module
Creative Festival DRAM7004 Module
Creative Producing and Dramaturgy DRAM8530 Module
Creative Producing Proposal DRAM8820 Module
Creative Producing: Individual Idea and Implementation DRAM8560 Module
Creative Producing: Group Company Presentation, Industry Awareness Plac Creative Producing: Individual Idea and Implementation DRAM8520 Module
Creative Project DRAM6005 Module
Creative Project DRAM6780 Module
Cultural Policies in the British Theatre DRAM6290 Module
Dance & Discourse: Dramaturgies of Moving Bodies DRAM6350 Module
Digital Domains FILM6040 Module
Digital Domains FILM5690 Module
Directing 1: Rehearsal Processes DRAM8230 Module
Directing Theatre, Staging Ideas DRAM6001 Module
Directing: Histories and Practices DRAM8250 Module
Directing: Production Project DRAM8240 Module
Director's Proposal DRAM8840 Module
Directors' Theatre: The History of Staging Plays DRAM3410 Module
Disability and the Arts ARTS5220 Module
Dissertation DRAM7006 Module
Dissertation by Film Practice FILM8990 Module
Dissertation:GPMS FILM9980 Module
Documentary Film FILM6020 Module
Documentary Filmmaking FILM5003 Module
Documentary Filmmaking FILM6300 Module
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 1 DRAM5510 Module
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 2 DRAM5520 Module
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 3 DRAM5530 Module
Drama - Year Abroad Mark 4 DRAM5540 Module
Drama and Theatre Dissertation Project: (MA-T) DRAM9950 Module
Dramaturgical Practice DRAM7001 Module
Encountering Kent ARTS3050 Module
English Theatre: Restoration to Victoria DRAM6110 Module
Ensemble Devising and Performance DRAM8001 Module
Ensemble Work (2017/2018) DRAM8320 Module
Ensemble, Devising and Performance DRAM8920 Module
European Naturalist Theatre & Its Legacy DRAM6090 Module
European Theatre from 1945 DRAM6690 Module
European Theatre: Landscapes and Dramaturgies DRAM9000 Module
European Theatre:Landscapes and Dramaturgies DRAM8900 Module
Explorations in Theatre Practice DRAM6580 Module
Extreme Cinema FILM5870 Module
Facilitation and Community Practice DRAM7003 Module
FI631 Genre Filmmaking FILM6310 Module
Film & TV Adaptation FILM6003 Module
Film and Media Practice 1 FILM4000 Module
Film and Modernity FILM8150 Module
Film and Modernity (Paris) FILM8210 Module
Film and Television Adaptation FILM6120 Module
Film and Television Adaptation FILM5680 Module
Film Authorship FILM5940 Module
Film Authorship FILM6080 Module
Film Criticism FILM8170 Module
Film Criticism FILM5850 Module
Film Criticism FILM6004 Module
Film Dissertation FILM7009 Module
Film Editing FILM6280 Module
Film Editing FILM4003 Module
Film Form FILM3130 Module
Film Genre FILM5004 Module
Film Genre (Horror) FILM5950 Module
Film Histories FILM4004 Module
Film Histories FILM3160 Module
Film History FILM8130 Module
Film History: Research Methods in Paris (Paris) FILM8240 Module
Film Marketing and Distribution FILM6370 Module
Film Marketing and Distribution FILM6005 Module
Film Programming FILM6330 Module
Film Research Methods FILM7001 Module
Film Studies: Innovation and Writing FILM8260 Module
Film Style FILM4001 Module
Film Theory FILM4002 Module
Film, Politics and Identity FILM6006 Module
Film, Politics and Identity FILM6350 Module
FILM8250 Analysing Film FILM8250 Module
Filmmaking 1: Key Skills FILM8190 Module
Filmmaking 1: Key Skills and Fiction FILM7002 Module
Filmmaking 2: Project Development FILM7006 Module
Final Creative Project FILM7010 Module
Genre Filmmaking FILM5000 Module
History of British Cinema FILM5650 Module
History of British Cinema FILM6170 Module
History of Comedy on Stage and Screen DRAM3420 Module
Hollywood Studio System FILM3140 Module
Hollywood Studios FILM5001 Module
Images of War and Violence FILM6190 Module
Images of War and Violence FILM6200 Module
Improvisation For Screen FILM5900 Module
Independent Project ARTS5000 Module
Independent Project Development FILM8200 Module
Industry Placement (Drama) DRAM6770 Module
Industry Study DRAM7005 Module
Innovation and Writing FILM7008 Module
Introduction to Film Making FILM3090 Module
Introduction to Film Theory FILM5910 Module
Introduction to Film Theory FILM3150 Module
Introduction to Filmmaking FILM3080 Module
Introduction to Mask DRAM3400 Module
Introduction to Musical Theatre Dance DRAM6840 Module
Introduction to Musical Theatre Dance DRAM5005 Module
Introduction to Screen Writing FILM5550 Module
Introduction to Screenwriting FILM6180 Module
Introduction to Stand Up DRAM6760 Module
Making Performance 1: The Fundamentals DRAM4000 Module
Making Performance 2: Staging Texts DRAM4001 Module
Making Performance 3: The Festival DRAM4002 Module
Microbudget Filmmaking FILM6007 Module
Microbudget Filmmaking: Fiction FILM6250 Module
Mise en Scene: Aesthetics and Dramaturgies of European Theatre DRAM9010 Module
Mobile Filmmaking FILM6260 Module
Modern Theatre: A Theoretical Landscape Texts for Theatre Performance Skills Performance Skills (JH) Theatre Workshop British Theatre 1945-2005 Period II: Drama and Society in the Age of Shakespeare Drama Dissertation Performance: The.. DRAM3150 Module
Moving Image Development FILM6100 Module
Moving Image Production FILM5670 Module
Moving Image Production FILM6090 Module
Musical Theatre Dance 2 DRAM6860 Module
National and Transnational Cinema FILM6140 Module
New Directions DRAM5920 Module
New York & The Movies FILM6110 Module
New York and the Movies FILM5820 Module
Performance and Art: Intermediality from Wagner to the Virtuals DRAM6740 Module
Performance Contexts DRAM7002 Module
Performance Design and Technologies DRAM5001 Module
Performance Skills DRAM4005 Module
Performance Skills (JH) DRAM3240 Module
Performance: The Seminar DRAM5480 Module
Performing Classical Texts DRAM6590 Module
Performing Lives: Theory & Practice of Autobiographical Theatre DRAM6100 Module
Photography in Paris: History and Theory (Paris) FILM8230 Module
Physical and Vocal Training for Actors DRAM8000 Module
Physical Theatre 1 DRAM6630 Module
Physical Theatre II DRAM6640 Module
Physical Theatre — Ensemble Devising DRAM6000 Module
Playwriting I: For Beginners DRAM6190 Module
Popular Performance DRAM5940 Module
Popular Performance and Citizenship DRAM4003 Module
Popular Performance: Alternative Cabaret DRAM5002 Module
Popular Performance: Pubs, clubs and citizenship DRAM3460 Module
Post War European Cinema FILM6160 Module
Post War European Cinema FILM5370 Module
Postwar American Cinema FILM5310 Module
Postwar European Film FILM5930 Module
Production DRAM3350 Module
Production Dramaturgy DRAM8620 Module
Production Project DRAM8750 Module
Psychology of the Arts ARTS5200 Module
Pulp Film: the Avant-garde and Popular Cinema FILM5700 Module
Puppet and Object Theatre DRAM6710 Module
Puppet and Object Theatre DRAM3450 Module
Puppet and Object Theatre DRAM4004 Module
Representing Actuality FILM5860 Module
Scenography in Performance DRAM8850 Module
Scenography: Practice and Theory DRAM5720 Module
Screen Space and Location Scouting FILM6008 Module
Screen Space: Production Design and Location Scouting FILM6360 Module
Screening Histories FILM8220 Module
Screenwriting FILM5002 Module
Sex gender and Performance, Beyond the Binary DRAM6870 Module
Shakespeare at the Globe DRAM8770 Module
Shakespeare on Stage and Screen DRAM8740 Module
Shakespeare's Theatre DRAM6120 Module
Site Specific Performance DRAM6670 Module
Social Media and Participatory Culture ARTS5250 Module
Solo Acting:Composition and Performance DRAM8950 Module
Sound and Cinema FILM6030 Module
Sound and Cinema FILM5590 Module
Sound, Music, and Cinema FILM5005 Module
Specialist Areas in Film Studies FILM6009 Module
Stagecraft DRAM3340 Module
Stand-up Comedy DRAM6004 Module
Stand-Up Comedy 2: Showcase Project DRAM8640 Module
Stand-Up Comedy Mark 1 DRAM8150 Module
Stand-Up Comedy Mark 3 DRAM8170 Module
Stand-Up Comedy Mark 4 DRAM8180 Module
Stand-Up Comedy: Reflect and Perfect DRAM8830 Module
Stars and Celebrity Culture FILM6340 Module
Storytelling and Cinema FILM6070 Module
Storytelling and the Cinema FILM5270 Module
Teaching Shakespeare DRAM8760 Module
Television Series: Narration, Engagement and Evaluation FILM6210 Module
Television Series: Narration, Engagement and Evaluation FILM6220 Module
Texts for Theatre DRAM3170 Module
The Art of Portraiture: Historical and Philosophical Approaches FILM8180 Module
The Documentary Film FILM5010 Module
The Empty Space DRAM3370 Module
The Empty Space 1 DRAM3380 Module
The Empty Spaces 2 DRAM3390 Module
The Gothic in Film FILM5840 Module
The Gothic in Film FILM5990 Module
The Shakespeare Effect DRAM6360 Module
Theatre and Adaptation DRAM5003 Module
Theatre and Adaptation DRAM6850 Module
Theatre and Adaptation DRAM6800 Module
Theatre and Audiences DRAM9030 Module
Theatre and Ideas DRAM6830 Module
Theatre and Music DRAM6820 Module
Theatre Criticism DRAM8720 Module
Theatre Dramaturgy: Dissertation DRAM9960 Module
Theatre Practices: Professional Research and Study DRAM8990 Module
Theatre Skills DRAM3360 Module
Theatres of the Past 1: the Classics DRAM6730 Module
Theatres of the Past 2: The Moderns DRAM6810 Module
Theatres of the Past 2: the Moderns DRAM6750 Module
Thinking Theatre: Theories and Aesthetics of Performance DRAM8790 Module
Thinking Theatre:Theories and Aesthetics of Performance DRAM8940 Module
Topics in American Cinema II FILM6130 Module
Transatlantic Dialogues: British and Modern Art c. 1900-1970 FILM6150 Module
Transgressive Women FILM5081 Module
Transnational Cinema FILM8140 Module
TV: From Soap Operas to Sitcoms FILM6320 Module
TV: From Soap Operas to Sitcoms ARTS5120 Module
Visual Arts and Digital Media Writing ARTS5270 Module
Work Placement - Drama DRAM6790 Module
Working with Actors (SPR) FILM6290 Module
World Cinema FILM5007 Module
World Cinema History FILM7005 Module
Writing for Performance DRAM5000 Module
Writing for Performance DRAM5006 Module

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