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Actuarial Mathematics 1 MACT5340 Module
Actuarial Mathematics 2 MACT6340 Module
Actuarial practice MACT5090 Module
Actuarial Practice 1 MACT4013 Module
Actuarial Practice 3 MACT6013 Module
Actuarial Risk Management 1 MACT9210 Module
Actuarial Risk Management 2 MACT9220 Module
Actuarial Risk Modelling MACT6610 Module
Additional Mathematics MAST0024 Module
Advanced PROPHET Modelling MACT7821 Module
Advanced Regression Modelling MAST8820 Module
Advanced Regression Modelling with R MAST5940 Module
Advanced Regression Modelling with R MAST5790 Module
Advances in statistics MA7510 Module
Advances in Statistics MA6510 Module
Algebra MA303 Module
Algebraic Curves in Nature MAST9720 Module
Algebraic Methods MAST4001 Module
An Introduction to Data Analytics MAST5110 Module
Analysis MAST5520 Module
Analysis and Mathematical Modelling MAST4104 Module
Analysis of Large Data Sets MAST8890 Module
Analysis of Large Data Sets MA899 Module
Analysis of Variance MAST7720 Module
Application of Mathematics MAST4002 Module
Applications and Practice with R and Python MAST4106 Module
Applied Algebraic Topology MAST9640 Module
Applied Bayesian Modelling MACT5380 Module
Applied Differential Geometry MAST9690 Module
Applied Differential Geometry MAST6090 Module
Applied Financial Econometrics FINM9800 Module
Applied Mathematics and Statistics in Biomedical Imaging MA919 Module
Applied Statistical Modelling MAST5001 Module
Applied Statistical Modelling 1 MA6508 Module
Applied Statistical Modelling 2 MA6512 Module
Applied Stochastic Modelling and Data Analysis MAST7710 Module
Asymptotics and Perturbation Methods MAST6170 Module
Asymptotics and Perturbation Methods MAST8710 Module
Basic Differential Algebra MAST9730 Module
Bayesian Machine Learning MAST6105 Module
Bayesian Statistics MAST8830 Module
Bayesian Statistics with Stan and Python MAST7011 Module
Big Data and Machine Learning MAST5118 Module
Big Data and other Analytical Techniques MAST5956 Module
Business Economics MACT8190 Module
Business Economics MACT3090 Module
Business Economics MACT4200 Module
Calculus MAST0021 Module
Calculus MA301 Module
Calculus MAST4100 Module
Calculus and Differential Equations MAST4014 Module
Calculus and Mathematical Modelling MAST3210 Module
Calculus for Foundation Year Mathematics MAST0027 Module
Calculus of Variations MAST5630 Module
Case Studies in Finance FINM9390 Module
Communicating and Presenting Results MAST5120 Module
Communicating and Presenting Results MAST5954 Module
Communicating Mathematics MA7503 Module
Communicating Mathematics MAST6703 Module
Communication FIR MACT9530 Module
Communication FIR FINM320 Module
Communications in Finance and Investment Writing FINM9370 Module
Complex Analysis MAST5720 Module
Complex Analysis MAST6102 Module
Computational Mathematics MAST5840 Module
Computational Statistics MAST8580 Module
Contingencies MACT8330 Module
Contingencies 1 MACT5160 Module
Contingencies 1 MACT8160 Module
Contingencies 2 MACT5330 Module
Contingencies 2 MACT8170 Module
Core Actuarial Practice 1 MACT7710 Module
Core Actuarial Practice 2 MACT7720 Module
Corporate Finance and Financial Reporting MACT5100 Module
Corporate Finance for Actuaries MACT7100 Module
Corporate Finance for Actuaries MACT5270 Module
Corporate Finance for Financial Mathematics MAST5170 Module
Creating Your Own Data MAST5953 Module
Creating Your Own Data MAST5116 Module
Curves and Surfaces MAST5002 Module
Data Collection and Analytics MAST5015 Module
Data Modelling and Consultancy MAST7864 Module
Data Modelling and Consultancy MAST7200 Module
Data Science Practice MAST4016 Module
Data Science Project MAST7865 Module
Data Science with R MAST9420 Module
Derivative Markets MAST6034 Module
Derivative Securities MACT9160 Module
Diagram Algebras MAST9660 Module
Discovering and Communicating Mathematics MA6504 Module
Discrete Mathematics MA7515 Module
Discrete Mathematics MAST5490 Module
Discrete Mathematics and Computing MA310 Module
Discrete Mathematics and Probability MA304 Module
Dissertation MAST6000 Module
Dissertation MAST9600 Module
Dissertation for Mathematics MAST5780 Module
Economics 2 MACT5190 Module
Economics for Actuaries MACT7200 Module
Elements of Abstract Analysis MAST5770 Module
Enterprise Risk Management MACT7909 Module
Enterprise Risk Management Financial Risk Management MACT9090 Module
Experience and Research in Mathematics MAST6103 Module
Exploring Mathematics MAST3240 Module
Exploring the Mathematical Sciences MAST3011 Module
Finance & Financial Reporting Finance and Financial Reporting MACT8260 Module
Finance 1 MACT3110 Module
Finance and Financial Reporting MACT7260 Module
Finance and Financial Reporting for ActuarialScience MACT5260 Module
Finance and Investment MACT9150 Module
Financial Economics MACT8340 Module
Financial Economics and Derivatives MACT6400 Module
Financial Mathematics MACT8200 Module
Financial Mathematics MACT3150 Module
Financial Mathematics MACT6009 Module
Financial Mathematics MACT4012 Module
Financial Mathematics MACT4320 Module
Financial Mathematics MACT7150 Module
Financial Mathematics MACT7009 Module
Financial Modelling MACT5390 Module
Financial Modelling MACT9520 Module
Financial Modelling Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management MACT8400 Module
Financial Modelling and Analysis FINM9360 Module
Financial Modelling for Excel FINM9870 Module
Financial Reports and their Analysis MACT5280 Module
Financial Risk Management FINM9310 Module
Fixed Income Analysis FINM9380 Module
Foundation Algebra and Functions MAST0017 Module
Foundation Algebra and Geometry MAST3007 Module
Foundation Functions and Calculus MAST3009 Module
Foundation Mathematics 1 MAST3005 Module
Foundation Mathematics 2 MAST3006 Module
Foundation Statistics MAST0025 Module
Foundations of Data Science MAST7210 Module
Foundations of Data Science MAST7866 Module
From Geometry to Algebra MAST3250 Module
Functions of a Complex Variable MAST6017 Module
Functions of Several Variables MAST5640 Module
Fund Management FINM9330 Module
Further Discrete Mathematics and Computing MA320 Module
Further Statistical Theory MA864 Module
Games and Strategy MAST6018 Module
General Insurance - Premium Rating MACT9180 Module
General Insurance - Reserving and Capital Modelling MACT9170 Module
General Insurance Pricing MACT7908 Module
General Insurance Reserving and Capital Modelling MACT7907 Module
Geometric Integration MAST9620 Module
Geometry MA300 Module
Graphs and Combinatorics MAST5950 Module
Graphs and Combinatorics MAST9950 Module
Graphs, Geometry and Trigonometry MAST0022 Module
Groups and Representations MAST5760 Module
Groups and Representations MAST7003 Module
Groups and Rings MAST5650 Module
Groups and Symmetries MA5503 Module
Groups, Fields and Applications MAST6101 Module
Groups, Knots and Fields MAST6021 Module
Groups, Knots and Fields MAST7021 Module
Groups,Rings and Fields MAST5540 Module
Individual Project in Mathematics MAST6010 Module
Industrial Placement Experience MAST6850 Module
Industry Placement Report MAST6860 Module
Integrable Systems MAST7022 Module
Integrable Systems MAST6022 Module
Introduction to Actuarial Research MACT9230 Module
Introduction to Data Analytics MAST5951 Module
Introduction to Finance MAST4003 Module
Introduction to Financial Concepts MACT3120 Module
Introduction to Functional Analysis MAST9710 Module
Introduction to Functional Analysis MAST6110 Module
Introduction to Lie Groups and Algebras MAST5610 Module
Introduction to lie Groups and Lie Algebras MAST6030 Module
Introduction To PROPHET Modelling MACT7820 Module
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Financial Statements Analysis FINM9300 Module
Investment and Finance MACT7905 Module
Invicta Actuarial Society DP1122 Module
Lagrangian and Hamilton Dynamics MAST5004 Module
Life Assurance Practice MA506 Module
Life Insurance MACT9120 Module
Life Insurance MACT7902 Module
Linear Algebra MAST5530 Module
Linear Algebra MAST4004 Module
Linear Algebra MAST4103 Module
Linear and Nonlinear Wave MA691 Module
Linear and Nonlinear Waves MA791 Module
Linear Mathematics MAST4005 Module
Linear Model MA863 Module
Linear Partial Differential Equations MAST5005 Module
Machine Learning and Deep Learning MAST6100 Module
Macroeconomics for Financial Mathematicians MAST5006 Module
Mathematical Inquiry and Communication MAST9610 Module
Mathematical Investigations and Computer Algebra MA307 Module
Mathematical Methods MA302 Module
Mathematical Methods 1 MAST4006 Module
Mathematical Methods 2 MAST4007 Module
Mathematical Modelling MAST5900 Module
Mathematical Models of Financial Derivatives MA523 Module
Mathematical Practice 1 MAST4015 Module
Mathematical Skills MAST3004 Module
Mathematical Statistics MAST5007 Module
Mathematical Statistics MAST5100 Module
Mathematical Statistics MAST6007 Module
Mathematical Structures and Proofs MAST4101 Module
Mathematical Techniques and Differential Equations MAST5880 Module
Mathematical Workshops MAST0026 Module
Mathematical Writing and Project MAST5560 Module
Mathematics and Music MAST9680 Module
Mathematics and Statistics for Finance FINM9860 Module
Mathematics for Data Science MAST4102 Module
Mathematics in Schools MA575 Module
Mathematics in the World of Finance MAST6091 Module
Mathematics of Finance FINM9350 Module
Mathematics of Financial Derivatives MACT8370 Module
Mathematics of Financial Derivatives MACT5370 Module
Matrices and Computing MAST3260 Module
Matrices and Probability MAST3230 Module
Metric and Normed Spaces MAST6024 Module
Metric and Normed Spaces MAST7024 Module
Microeconomics MAST4008 Module
Mini-Projects MAST5990 Module
Modelling of Time - Dependent Data and Financial MAST8860 Module
Modelling Practice MACT7810 Module
MTTDG2TIP:Reflective Professional Practice Mathematics Education and Sc MAED1000 Module
Multivariable and Vector Calculus MAST5101 Module
Nonlinear Systems and Applications MAST7044 Module
Nonlinear Systems and Applications MAST6044 Module
Nonlinear Systems and Mathematical Biology MAST5910 Module
Nonlinear Waves and Solitons MAST5620 Module
Number Theory MAST5660 Module
Number Theory and Cryptography MAST5102 Module
Numerical Methods MAST5509 Module
Numerical Methods and Differential Equations MAST5103 Module
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations MAST5870 Module
Operators and Matrices MAST7005 Module
Operators and Matrices MAST6005 Module
Optimisation for Data Analysis MAST5105 Module
Optimisation for Data Science MAST5016 Module
Optimisation with Financial Applications MAST5011 Module
Ordinary Differential Equations MAST5512 Module
Ordinary Differential Equations MAST5012 Module
Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions MAST5680 Module
Othogonal Polynomials and Special Functions MA7526 Module
Partial Differential Equations and Applications MAST6104 Module
Pension Funds MA508 Module
Pensions and Other Benefits MACT9140 Module
PG Actuarial Mathematics MACT7340 Module
PG Actuarial Risk Modelling MACT7610 Module
PG Financial Economics and Derivatives MACT7400 Module
PG Financial Mathematics MACT7320 Module
PG Industrial Placement Experience MAST7850 Module
PG Industrial Placement Report MAST7860 Module
Poisson Algebras and Combinatorics MAST9630 Module
Polynomials in Several Variables MAST5740 Module
Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models MACT8350 Module
Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing Models MACT5350 Module
Practical Multivariate Analysis MAST7810 Module
Practical Statistics and Computing MAST8900 Module
Pratical Statistics and Computing MA866 Module
Predictive and Explanatory Modelling MAST5104 Module
Predictive Modelling MAST5114 Module
Predictive Modelling MAST5955 Module
Preparing for Professional Practice MAST5106 Module
Principles of Data Collection MAST8840 Module
Principles of Probability and Statistics MAST4105 Module
Probability MAST4009 Module
Probability and Classical Inference MAST8810 Module
Probability and Inference MAST6290 Module
Probability and Inference MAST6190 Module
Probability and Measure Theory MAST5180 Module
Probability and Statistics for Actuarial Science MACT3190 Module
Probability and Statistics for Actuarial Science MACT7500 Module
Probability and Statistics for Actuarial Science MACT7290 Module
Probability and Statistics for Actuarial Science 2 MACT5290 Module
Probability and Statistics for Data Science MAST7291 Module
Probability and Statistics for Finance FINM9340 Module
Probability, Inference and Multivariate Analysis MA862 Module
Professional Skills MACT7800 Module
Project MAST8670 Module
Project in Statistics or Probability MAST6020 Module
Project on Financial Mathematics MAST5980 Module
Proofs and Numbers MAST3220 Module
Prophet MACT9500 Module
Prophet 2 MACT9510 Module
Quantum Mechanics MA607 Module
Quantum Physics MAST9670 Module
Real Analysis 1 MAST4010 Module
Real Analysis 2 MAST5013 Module
Regression MAST6320 Module
Regression Models MAST6120 Module
Rings and Fields MAST5014 Module
Several Variable Calculus MAST5550 Module
Specialist Actuarial Practice MACT7730 Module
Stage 1 SMSAS Module
Stage 2 Actuarial Practice MACT5800 Module
Stage 3 Actuarial Practice MACT6800 Module
Starting Research in the Mathematical Sciences MAST5690 Module
Statistical Applications MA865 Module
Statistical Consultancy and Data Presentation MAST7012 Module
Statistical Consultancy and Data Presentation MAST6012 Module
Statistical Learning MAST6029 Module
Statistical Learning MAST7029 Module
Statistical Machine Learning MAST6060 Module
Statistical Modelling for Actuaries MACT6620 Module
Statistics MAST3012 Module
Statistics MAST3060 Module
Statistics MAST4011 Module
Statistics MAST3014 Module
Statistics and Programming for Mathematical Sciences MAST3008 Module
Statistics for Insurance MAST5010 Module
Stochastic Models in Ecology and Medicine MAST8880 Module
Stochastic Processes MAST6360 Module
Stochastic Processes MAST8360 Module
Stochastic Processes and Insurance Risk MAST8870 Module
Stochastic Processes and Time Series MAST8850 Module
Survival Models MACT8250 Module
Survival Models II MACT5250 Module
Symmetries, Groups and Invariants MAST9650 Module
Symmetries, Groups and Invariants MAST6050 Module
Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations MAST7001 Module
Symmetry Methods for Differential Equations MAST6001 Module
Time Series Modelling and Simulation MAST6390 Module
Topics in Applied Mathematics MAST5930 Module
Topology MAST7032 Module
Topology MAST5670 Module
Understanding and Synthesising Research MAST5952 Module
Understanding and Synthesising Research MAST5112 Module
Vector Calculus MAST5017 Module
Vectors and Mechanics MAST3002 Module
Year in Industry MAST5300 Module

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