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Addressing Barriers to Learning WKBL8810 Module
Advanced Communication Skills KI870 Module
Advanced Practice (Clinical Practice II) WKBL8090 Module
An Integrated Approach to Counselling KI517 Module
An Introduction to World Class Commissioning WL311 Module
Applying Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) inPractice KI959 Module
Assessment and Diagnosis Part I CFPP9430 Module
Assessment and Formulation II CFPP9440 Module
Child and Adolescent Mental Health WL802 Module
Clinical Application of Psychoanalytic Concepts CFPP9040 Module
Clinical Education-Clinical Teaching,Learningand Supervision KI847 Module
Clinical Elective WKBL8100 Module
Clinical Elective KI988 Module
Clinical Seminar CFPP9280 Module
Clinical Seminar Year 2 CFPP9300 Module
Clinical Seminar Year 3 CFPP9310 Module
Clinical Supervisor WL818 Module
Clinical Technique in Brief Therapies CFPP9130 Module
Clinical Treatment of Personality Disorder CFPP9540 Module
Clinical Treatment of Personality Disorder WKBL8690 Module
Collaborative and Multi-Professional Working WKBL9080 Module
Collaborative Working WKBL8140 Module
Communication WL511 Module
Concepts of End of Life Care WKBL8320 Module
Concepts of Supportive & Palliative Care KI860 Module
Concepts of Symptom Management KI861 Module
Contemporary Issues in Medical Education Management WKBL8210 Module
Counselling Change, Loss and Bereavement KI138 Module
Counselling Children and Adolescents KI249 Module
Counselling Skills Development KI519 Module
Counselling Skills in the Pastoral Context KI137 Module
Curriculum Development WL819 Module
Dental Care Professional (DCP) Professional Development Planning WL519 Module
Dental Care Professional (DCP) Project in Primary Dental Care (PDC) WL520 Module
Dental Care Professional Practice in an International Context Teamwork and Leadership in Primary Dental Care Dental Care Professional (DCP) Professional Development Planning Dental Care Professional (DCP) Project in Primary Dental Care (PDC) WL517 Module
Developing Practice and Insight in Counselling KI133 Module
Development of Core Skills for Dental Care Professionals (DCP) WL306 Module
Developmental Concepts CFPP9400 Module
Diet and Nutrition WL514 Module
Disinfection And Decontamination Within The Dental Care Setting WL527 Module
Dissertation CFPP8130 Module
Dissertation WL811 Module
Dissertation (In Supportive & Palliative Care) KI868 Module
Dissertation Protocol WL800 Module
Dissertation-Psychotherapy CFPP9420 Module
Education in Supportive & Palliative Care KI865 Module
Emergency Surgery KI843 Module
Enquiring Into Practice WKBL5000 Module
Enquiring into Professional Practice WKBL8290 Module
Ethical Issues in Supportive and Palliative Care KI866 Module
Ethics and Law in Clinical Practice WL824 Module
Ethics and Law in Clinical Practice KI785 Module
Evidence Based Practice CFPP8450 Module
Evidence Based Practice WKBL8830 Module
Evidence Based Practice Collaborative Working Learning and Development Work Based Project and Dissertation Research Skills Special Area of Study Promoting Equality and Diversity WKBL8130 Module
Evidence Based Practice (Health) WKBL8300 Module
Evidence Based Practice (Philanthropy) WKBL9100 Module
Evidence Informed Practice WKBL9070 Module
Experiential Group Year 1 CFPP9090 Module
Experiential Group Year 2 CFPP9100 Module
Explanation Resources for Students DP5125 Module
Exploring Relationships KI136 Module
Family Therapy Part I KI139 Module
Family Therapy Part II KI140 Module
Fiction and Work WL524 Module
Gender, Equality and Mental Health WL807 Module
General Dental Council Additional Duties Development WL526 Module
Group Leading Skills KI250 Module
Healthcare Information Management & Systems CFPP8050 Module
Healthcare Provision in the UK KI846 Module
Human Development, Identity and the Family KI514 Module
Independent Study: Planning your own Learning WKBL5070 Module
Inter-Professional Working WKBL8400 Module
Introduction to Academic Learning WL312 Module
Introduction to Applied Professional Practice WL303 Module
Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Skills KI958 Module
Introduction to Evaluation within Professional Context WKBL8850 Module
Introduction to Medical Education Management WKBL8200 Module
Introduction to Mental Health WL801 Module
Introduction to Primary Dental Care (PDC) in a Social Context WL307 Module
Introduction to Professional Development WL309 Module
Introduction to Psychoanalysis CFPP9380 Module
Introduction to Psychotherapy CFPP9370 Module
Introduction to the Clinical Application of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy CFPP9360 Module
Law and Ethics WL513 Module
Learning and Development WKBL8150 Module
Lifelong Learning (LLL) and the Academic Dental Care Professional The Critical Appraisal of Publications and Literature Development of Core Skills for Dental Care Professionals (DCP) Introduction to Primary Dental Care (PDC) in a Social Context WL304 Module
Medical Ethics and Law KI814 Module
Medical Law & Ethics KI823 Module
Mental Health Risk Assessment and Management CFPP9490 Module
Mentorship Research Skills Communication The Promotion of Oral Health Education in a Social Context WL509 Module
Multidisciplinary Teams and Collaborative Working CFPP7890 Module
Object Relations CFPP9030 Module
Oral Health Education WL516 Module
Organisational Behaviour KI802 Module
Organisational Behaviour CFPP8220 Module
Person Centred and other Humanistic Approaches to Counselling KI516 Module
Personal and Professional Development Group KI518 Module
Personal Awareness Group KI135 Module
Perspectives on Practice: Accountability at Work WKBL5050 Module
Practice Appraisal WL515 Module
Primary Mental Health Work WL805 Module
Principles of Group Psychotherapy CFPP9220 Module
Principles of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy WKBL8270 Module
Principles of Psychotherapy Practice CFPP9390 Module
Professional Practice in the Context of Counselling KI515 Module
Professional Relationships: People and Work WKBL5020 Module
Professional Standard Setting for Professional Practice WKBL8380 Module
Programme Planning WL302 Module
Psychoanalysis Development Concepts CFPP9450 Module
Psychoanalytic Practice I WKBL8080 Module
Psychoanalytic Practice I KI983 Module
Psychoanalytic Practice I KI984 Module
Psychoanalytic Practice II KI987 Module
Psychoanalytic Practice II KI985 Module
Psychoanalytic Practice II KI986 Module
Psychosocial Care & Bereavement KI862 Module
Psychotherapy Process Research KI989 Module
Psychotherapy Process Research CFPP9180 Module
Radiography Operating for DCP's WL508 Module
Recognition of Prior Learning WL300 Module
Reflective Practice at Work 1 WKBL5010 Module
Research Methods in Psychotherapy WKBL9010 Module
Research Methods in Psychotherapy WKBL9030 Module
Research Module CFPP9190 Module
Research Practice WKBL9020 Module
Research Practice WL812 Module
Research Proposal WKBL8280 Module
Research Skills WL510 Module
Research Skills WKBL8820 Module
Research Skills WKBL8170 Module
Research Skills (Health) WKBL8310 Module
Research Skills (In Supportive & Palliative Care) KI867 Module
Research Skills (In Surgical Practice) KI844 Module
Resource Management WL310 Module
Reviewing and Reflecting on Counselling Practice KI134 Module
Sexual Abuse: working with victims and perpe-trators WL804 Module
Special Area of Study WKBL8250 Module
Special Area of Study WKBL8741 Module
Spiritual Care KI869 Module
Supervised Counselling Practice KI520 Module
Supervising and Being Supervised WL803 Module
Supervision in the Workplace WKBL9090 Module
Teamwork and Leadership in Primary Dental Care WL518 Module
The Critical Appraisal of Publications and Literature WL308 Module
The Critical Appraisal of Publications and Literature WL305 Module
The Practice of Counselling KI132 Module
The Promotion of Oral Health Education in a Social Context WL512 Module
The Role of Schooling: A Thinking Approach WKBL8870 Module
Transactional Analysis for Counsellors KI141 Module
Understanding Addictions KI251 Module
Understanding People in Counselling KI131 Module
Understanding Trauma KI248 Module
Using Counselling skills with Sexually abused clients-Victims,Perpetrat KI143 Module
Work Based Project and Dissertation WKBL8160 Module
Working with Domestic Violence: Victims and Perpetators CFPP7880 Module
Working with Families and Networks of Support CFPP9340 Module
Working with Self Harming Clients WKBL8060 Module
Writing Effectively - Communication Skills 4 WKBL5230 Module

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