Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Chemistry Project CHEM7900 Module
Advanced Concepts in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry CHEM7420 Module
Advanced Cosmology and the Interstellar Medium PHYS7120 Module
Advanced Forensic Project Laboratory PSCI7200 Module
Advanced Integrated Project Skills CHEM7810 Module
Advanced Topics in Forensic Science PSCI7120 Module
Advanced Topics in Forensic Science FSCI6120 Module
Algebra and Arithmetic PHYS0020 Module
Analytical Chemistry CHEM6040 Module
Analytical Chemistry 1 - Methods and Validation CHEM5720 Module
Analytical Chemistry 2: Advanced Methods CHEM6720 Module
Applied Forensic Pratice FSCI5030 Module
Applied Maths for Chemists and Forensic Scientists CHEM3640 Module
Atomic and Nuclear Physics PHYS5030 Module
Biochemistry - Biomolecules and Enzymes CHEM5710 Module
Biomedical Optics PHYS8000 Module
BSC Chemistry Industrial Placement CHEM5900 Module
BSc forensic Science Industrial Placement PSCI5900 Module
Chemical Identification Techniques CHEM5060 Module
Chemical Reactions CHEM3200 Module
Chemical Reactivity PSCI0022 Module
Chemical Reactivity and Analysis NATS0007 Module
Chemical Skills CHEM3820 Module
Chemical Skills For Forensic Scientists PSCI3810 Module
Chemistry and the Environment CHEM3710 Module
Chemistry for the Analysis of Trace Evidence FSCI6030 Module
Chemistry Primary Book List DP9525 Module
Chemistry Research Project CHEM6200 Module
Chemistry Research Project CHEM6910 Module
Computational Chemistry CHEM7410 Module
Computing Skills PHYS3020 Module
Computing Skills for Modern Data Analysis CHEM3910 Module
Contemporary and advanced issues in Forensic Science PSCI7020 Module
Core Inorganic and Physical Chemistry for Forensic Science FSCI3030 Module
Digital Forensics FSCI5110 Module
Digital Forensics PSCI5110 Module
Disasters PHYS3070 Module
Disasters CHEM3150 Module
DNA Analysis & Interpretation PSCI6370 Module
DNA Analysis & Interpretation FSCI6370 Module
Electromagnetism and Optics PHYS5040 Module
Elementary Particles PH702 Module
Employability DP8205 Module
Euromasters Project PHYS7540 Module
Experimental Chemistry 1 CHEM3900 Module
Experimental Chemistry 3 CHEM5910 Module
Firearms & Ballistics PSCI5560 Module
Fires and Explosions FSCI6010 Module
Forensic Archaeology FSCI5020 Module
Forensic Archaeology PSCI5020 Module
Forensic Ballistics FSCI5560 Module
Forensic Ballistics and Collision Analysis PS505 Module
Forensic Expert Witness Skills PSCI6020 Module
Forensic Facial Identification and Image Analysis PS507 Module
Forensic Physical Methods PSCI5010 Module
Forensic Science For Legal Professionals PS510 Module
Forensic Science Primary Book List DP9550 Module
Forensic Science Project PSCI6200 Module
Forensic Science Project PS603 Module
Forensic Science Project FSCI6200 Module
Forensic Science Research Project MSCI PSCI7400 Module
Forensic Taphonomy FSCI7001 Module
Foundation Chemistry NATS0002 Module
Fundamental Chemistry for Physical Scientists and Bioscientists CHEM3090 Module
Fundamental Forensic Techniques FSCI5010 Module
Fundamentals of Chemistry CHEM3600 Module
Graphical Methods for Physical Scientists (PH022) PHYS0022 Module
Image Processing PHYS6180 Module
Incident Management PSCI7170 Module
Infrared Astronomy and Numerical Astrophysics PH756 Module
Inorganic and Environmental Chemistry CHEM5340 Module
Inorganic and Materials Chemistry PSCI5080 Module
Inorganic and Polymeric Materials PS503 Module
Inorganic Chemistry PS522 Module
Inorganic Chemistry 1 - Periodicity and Metals CHEM3620 Module
Inorganic Chemistry 2 - Organometallics and Main Group CHEM5620 Module
Inorganic Chemistry 3: Structure and Reactivity CHEM6600 Module
Inorganic Chemistry, Fibres and Microscopy PSCI5340 Module
Introduction to Astronomy and Light PHYS3040 Module
Introduction to Ballistics FSCI3080 Module
Introduction to Biochemistry ad Drug Chemistry CHEM3140 Module
Introduction to Forensic Science FSCI3010 Module
Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry CH317 Module
Introductory Mathematics and Essay Writing PS014 Module
Introductory Physics Laboratory and Communication Skills PHYS0027 Module
Laboratory and Computing Skills for Physicists PHYS3700 Module
LABS611: Analytical Chemistry for Laboratory Scientists LABS6110 Module
Law of Evidence and the Expert Witness FSCI6020 Module
Lent Term Coursework CH006 Module
Literature Review PH616 Module
Magnestism and Superconductivity PHYS7520 Module
Main Group and Organometallic Chemistry CHEM6230 Module
Major Incident Management PSCI7040 Module
Materials and Solid State Chemistry CHEM5330 Module
Materials Chemistry 1 - Structure and Properties CHEM5700 Module
Materials Chemistry 2: Methods and Materials CHEM6710 Module
Mathematical Techniques for Physical Sciences PHYS5880 Module
Mathematics I PHYS3000 Module
Mathematics I PHYS3110 Module
Mathematics II PHYS3120 Module
MChem Research Project (CH740) CHEM7400 Module
Mechanics and Relativity PHYS3210 Module
Medical Physics PHYS5130 Module
Medicinal Chemistry CH511 Module
Medicinal Chemistry CH606 Module
Modern Molecular Synthesis CHEM7430 Module
Molecules and Analysis PSCI0021 Module
Molecules Matter & Energy CHEM3080 Module
Motion & Mechanics Waves and Vibrations Properties of Matter PHYS0023 Module
MSC Research Project PSCI7800 Module
Multimedia for astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science PHYS5120 Module
Nuclear and Particle Physics PHYS6660 Module
Numeracy Skills for Forensic Science PS500 Module
Numerical and Computational Methods PHYS6110 Module
Numerical, Statistical and Analytical Skills PSCI5120 Module
Organic Chemistry 1 - Structure and Reactivity CHEM3610 Module
Organic Chemistry 2 - Molecular Synthesis CHEM5610 Module
Organic Chemistry 3: Advanced Synthesis CHEM6610 Module
Organic Reaction Mechanisms CHEM5040 Module
Particle and Quantum Physics PHYS7220 Module
Pharmaceutical Chemistry CH510 Module
Physical Chemistry CH513 Module
Physical Chemistry 1 - Energy and Rates CHEM3630 Module
Physical Chemistry 2 - Quantum Mechanics CHEM5600 Module
Physical Chemistry 3: Computational Chemistry CHEM6730 Module
Physical Science Research Planning PSCI7000 Module
Physics PH301 Module
Physics Group Project PHYS6030 Module
Physics Group Project PHYS5300 Module
Physics Laboratory A PHYS5200 Module
Physics Laboratory II PHYS5000 Module
Physics Primary Book Lists DP9050 Module
Physics Problem Solving PHYS6020 Module
Physics Project PHYS6000 Module
Physics Project Laboratory PHYS6170 Module
Physics Research Project PHYS7000 Module
Polymeric and Organic Materials CHEM5300 Module
Practical Skills in Forensic Science 1 FSCI3020 Module
Practical Skills in Forensic Science 2 FSCI5040 Module
Project and Research Management CHEM7800 Module
Properties of Matter PSCI0023 Module
Properties of Matter PHYS0026 Module
Quantum Mechanics PH704 Module
Quantum Physics PHYS5020 Module
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics PH750 Module
Relativity Optics and Maxwell's Equation PHYS6040 Module
Research Review PHYS7510 Module
Rocketry and Human Spaceflight PHYS7110 Module
Science of Complex Systems PH724 Module
Skills for Forensic Scientists PS380 Module
Skills for Forensic Scientists PSCI3180 Module
Skills for Physicists PSCI3700 Module
Solid State Physics PHYS6060 Module
Space Astronomy and Solar System Science PHYS7090 Module
Spacecraft Design and Operations PHYS5080 Module
Spectroscopy and Bonding CHEM5320 Module
Spectroscopy and Polymer Chemistry/Solid State Inorganic Chemistry CH512 Module
Stars, Galaxies and the Universe PHYS6070 Module
Substances of Abuse PSCI7130 Module
Supramolecular and Polymer Chemistry CHEM6700 Module
The Multiwavelength Universe Exoplanets PHYS5070 Module
The Sun, The Earth and Mars PHYS6080 Module
Thermal and Statistical Physics PHYS6050 Module
Thermodynamics and Kinetics CHEM5310 Module
Thermodynamics and Matter PHYS3230 Module
Thermodynamics and Spectroscopy PSCI5200 Module
Topics in Functional Materials PSCI7010 Module
Topics in Functional Materials PSCI6040 Module
Topics in Inorganic Synthetic Chemistry CHEM6220 Module
Transformations and Chirality in Organic Chemistry CHEM6240 Module
Waves and Fields PHYS3220 Module
Waves and Vibrations PHYS0025 Module
Year Abroad PHYS7900 Module
Year in Industry PHYS5900 Module
Year in USA PH799 Module

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