Browse Hierarchy SACO3080: Academic and Research Skills
This is a module designed to introduce students to the range of basic practical and technical skills required across the range of the School's BA and BSc programmes. They will cover the following areas: Literary skills - different types of academic... more. Canterbury, week 1-13
Lists linked to Academic and Research Skills
Title Sort by title | Time Period | Last updated Sort by last updated |
SACO3080 Academic and Research Skills | 2024-2025 | 04/11/2024 11:07:14 |
SACO3080 Academic and Research Skills | 2023-2024 Ended 31/08/2024 | 20/09/2023 15:50:06 |
Skills for Anthropology and Conservation | 2012-2013 Ended 31/08/2013 | 04/07/2012 21:49:25 |