This module will apply actuarial techniques to a wide-range of products. In addition, expenses and profitability models for calculating gross premiums will be introduced. Population selection techniques will also be covered.The syllabus will cover:... more The first part of this module introduces the life table, the oldest actuarial model for contingencies (e.g. survival, death, sickness) relating to human life. This is then combined with the financial mathematics learned in module MA820 in order to ca... more. Canterbury, week 1-25; This module will apply actuarial techniques to a wide-range of products. In addition, expenses and profitability models for calculating gross premiums will be introduced. Population selection techniques will also be covered.The syllabus will cover:... more. Canterbury

Lists linked to Contingencies 2

Title Sort by title Time Period Last updated Sort by last updated
Actuarial Mathematics 2 2022-2023 Ended 31/08/2023 17/05/2022 09:05:25
Actuarial Mathematics 2 2023-2024 23/05/2023 17:06:11
Contingencies 2 2020-2021 Ended 31/08/2021 26/05/2020 20:05:24
Contingencies 2 2021-2022 Ended 31/08/2022 25/05/2021 16:44:21