This course introduces students to the history and theory of film criticism, emphasising the coexistence of different approaches to the analysis, evaluation and appreciation of film. The module will also have a practical aspect, offering students the... more. Canterbury, week 1-13

Lists linked to Film Criticism

Title Sort by title Time Period Last updated Sort by last updated
FI585 Film Criticism 2020-2021 Ended 31/08/2021 03/08/2020 12:55:24
FI585 Film Criticism 2021-2022 Ended 31/08/2022 09/12/2021 10:26:52
FI585 Film Criticism 2022-2023 Ended 31/08/2023 17/05/2022 10:17:06
FI585 Film Criticism 2023-2024 15/01/2024 10:47:33